Friday, June 27, 2014

We All Live in a World of Beliefs !

We All Live in a World of Beliefs !

As humans , we are the only living life form on this planet that live in beliefs !
Of course , I must confess that I really don't know if other life forms have anything like what we humans have !
Sometimes , I simply assume so much ! That can be rather dangerous to living in my reality !
Yes , now coming to this world of beliefs . 
What are they really ?!
If you really ask me or we go to unfold our beliefs , they are just that : Beliefs !!
Out of our thoughts and feelings we create ideas and concepts .
These ideas and concepts start to develop into our reality .
Over time that really becomes our reality and truth !
Now , we actually believe in our beliefs !!
We are prepared to go all the way to maintain or fight for our beliefs !
Just look around our planet , read history , see how our ways are !!
We kill for our beliefs , we divide , we suffer , we celebrate , we enjoy , in fact , we are only living according to our beliefs !!
Our beliefs have knotted us so tightly that we are practically in a prison of our beliefs !
We are chains of beliefs so strong that it simply is amazing !
The funny thing is that we are unable to see that beliefs that have taken over our life and living !
The belief system has taken full control of our life !
What is our real reality ??!!
Nothing , if you ask me !!
You are free to do whatever pleases you !
Of course , living with other life forms , we live with respect and love with all !
How do I come to that conclusion ?!
I do that by just becoming aware our my needs and myself !
I want to be loved , peaceful , respected and not in any suffering !
That is what the rest of life form want to !!
In that sense we are all One !
Coming back to my topic , beliefs in this or that are mind boggling and amazing !
Just become observant of what people are doing , feeling , thinking or behaving and you will see that great adventure of our live of beliefs !
Just see how we belief : I belief I will be happy living there or in the country ! Are all people living in that place or country happy ?! Of course not !
People will eat according to their beliefs ! As they

change their beliefs , their eating habit too will change ! 
What I am to make of all this ? I really don't know ! 
As far as I am concern , nothing makes sense to me ! 
I have been studying people and their beliefs and I can do nothing !
When we accept and follow our beliefs , we truly take that as our reality ! 
Just look at this simple belief . Some belief that a cow is so sacred that they call her mother !The cow is seen as a divine animal !
Another group feel that scarifying or killing the cow is their sacred duty to please their gods !
Now , who is to say who is right here ?!!
It is their belief !
One group belief that keeping their hair long and uncut is their sacred way !
Another group actually shave and go bald to become monks to follow their sacred ways !
In the past , not too long ago , women who were married had to sacrifice themselves after the death of their husbands ! They had to jump in the fire ! It was part of Hindu religion in India !
Another group , believed that if the became nuns , they had to pluck all their hair from their scalp !
Can you imagine the pain and sacrifice !
Some believe that it is their sacred duty to go around the world to pass the message of their god so that those people are saved ! These people went to the remotest parts of the planet to share or give their sacred message ! What can I say to that !
Can you imagine my situation who has gone beyond such beliefs ?!!
How did I do it ?!
I was able to understand and realise that all of these beliefs are just that , beliefs !
Most people are very fearful to break or go against their beliefs ! It is a serious matter !
People can become very sensitive around their beliefs !
Have to become careful and sensitive to their beliefs !
When I started to challenge all my beliefs , I had to face many difficult situations !
Suddenly I am not a believer ! I just cannot go on following things that make no sense to me !
It is really very strange and funny at times !
The fear or importance around that belief has just disappeared for me !
I have become aware of or see things from another perspective !
What can I do now ?!
I am just sharing my views about a very deep and sensitive topic of all people .
I have no reason to offend anyone for what ever reason .
I respect them yet , I also am unhappy or uncomfortable with some beliefs !
Alot of people are struggling and trapped in their beliefs !
Will end here for today . 
This is a massive topic !
Take care . Love.

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