Friday, July 25, 2014

Can Anyone Really Know You ?

Can Anyone Really Know You ?

It may seem rather strange or even funny that I should ask such a question !
Of course , there are many people who know me and I too know many , you may argue .
You may continue saying that your close family members , mother , father and brothers or sister do know you and you too know them .
Really ?
Yes , they do know your behaviours , habits or some other patterns of doing things .
Have you ever felt that at a deeper level nobody really understands you ?
There are some thoughts or feelings that nobody knows and you too are unable to express that to others .
Besides your name , outer or external appearances there is an aspect of you that is very personal and also very private .
We can go into how is that or why is that later .
First we have to establish if that is true in your life experience ?
Are there times when you are lost in your own private and personal thoughts ?
All others around have no clue or idea what is going on inside you ?
You have gone into your own personal world .
Who are you there ?
Are you someone's father , husband , brother or son in that private and personal thoughts ?

I realise and experience that in those times I am just ' me ' ! 
I am ' me ' without any label , position or even body !
When I become that me in those private times , I am without any form !
I or me just have those feelings and thoughts but seem to go beyond my worldly form !
Sometimes , I am brought back to the world of my normal label by someone who will suddenly ask me where were you or are you ?!
I am shocked out from the real me ! 
I may give some flimsy excuse or reason that I was day dreaming or tired .
Who or what were you in those moments ?
Just sit with that thought , feeling or more appropriately awareness .
Explore and expand on that sense of awareness .
Once you can see and understand more of yourself , you will then become more settled and peaceful .
All our relationships here are attached to our physical body and as the body keeps changing , the relationships to keep changing or expanding !
When you become aware of yourself beyond or above your physical nature , then you see your life from a very different perspective .
I will stop here as I want you to just sit with this thought .
See if it makes any sense to you . If you are unable to see what I am expressing , it is also fine .
If you can see or feel what I express , then you have opened another door of perception !
Now you can explore the new opening .
With that I will leave you.
Take care. Love.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Day After I Am No More !

A Day After I Am No More !

It is a beautiful day ! The sunrise was just splendid ! No a cloud in the sky !
The grass was still wet after last nights rain . Some water was still seen in small pools here and there .
A few early birds were hoping from branch to branch looking for something to eat .
It could not have been a better day !
But , I am no more !! 
No more in the sense of being in the body and being labeled alife by the people of this planet !
I am officially dead !! Over , gone , history , game over !
My dead body was lying very peacefully and in fact looked relieved !
People sat around and appeared fine too ! Some closed relatives were seen wiping their tears !
They were doing things as all such rituals required .
I could see that that while they were sitting near my body , their thoughts were elsewhere !!
Some were thinking that after attending to my death , they need to go see their clients , friends , play golf and then have an evening date ! Others had other thoughts ! Some even felt that my passing away had disrupted their good life ! They had to rush from their work and others from their leisure !
All in all , it was a wonderful venture, watching the drama being played out !
All the people were so wrapped in their life and living that my death was just a very small interval in their living !
Nobody was sitting down and thinking or wondering that this could happen to them to !!
They too will have to die just like I was dead !
That is the truth , my dear friends !
That very afternoon , my body was taken for cremation !
No more fire wood , ghee or a few special pieces of Chandan wood that will smell good !
Nothing of that sort !
My body was pushed into an electric oven to burn away into ash !
That is the end of that body that I was dragging around for my time on planet Earth !
The body that kept changing and letting me enjoy live in all the different phases of my live !
Enjoying my infancy , childhood , teen years , adult hood and finally being old !
It was so much of fun !
As to the people and life on Earth , it was going as before !
Made no difference at all !
That is how life is and how it will end !
All the fuss , dramas and the ego trips have gone !
The curtain is down !
Amar , Dr. Amarjit , son , father , grand something to some , friend , teacher , so much to so many and yet now just a fading memory left !
That is the end !

Good bye !


Monday, July 14, 2014

Just A Passing Shadow ! That is My Reality !

Just A Passing Shadow ! That is My Reality !

I am just as important as I think or believe that I am !
In reality nothing much !
I have given more importance to my being than is real !
A few around me think the same !
As I keep repeating and holding to my ' I ' , I am !
Am I really important to any one ?!
Honestly , No !!
Will any ones life stop if I am no more ?! Of course , Not !
Life goes on flowing whether I am or not !
Be honest with yourself and take a good and sincere deep look !!
I am just known to a few around me and that too rather superficially !
Will they miss me ?! Yes , for a day or two and no more !
They will and have to go back or on with their life !
Just as I have done when someone close goes !
In my own family or neighbourhood , how many will really miss me ?! 
Not many !
Just as I hear of someone gone , I have time to reflect for a minute or two and then I am back to my coffee and doing whatever I was doing !
I am a nobody in this peoples world ! 
Even so called great people or icons just disappear or vanish from our radar screens !!
New ones are waiting to fill or jump on to the stage of life and the show goes on !!
And I think that all my whatever so called sacrifices made a difference !
Not a dent if you ask me !
Am I depressed or in some low mood ?! Not at all ! 
Just facing the truth and reality !
So , if that my reality , then I realise that I should live life the way I want to ! I am here just for myself !
If that is living as I am now , then , so be it !
However , if I am not happy , then I must and should go for what makes me happy !
Life will go on as it has and is doing !
I as me is just a shadow ! A passing shadow !
Seeing my reality is a sobering thought !
It brings me down to a simple reality !
I am just a shadow that is passing !
Thank you .
Take care . Love.
Amar .

Sunday, July 13, 2014

How to Find My Lost Self ?!

How to Find My Lost Self ?!

How to find my lost Self ? 
It appears that I have lost a most precious  item in life !
I have lost myself !
How do I know that ? 
Let me explain from my own experience . 
I had seen that whatever I did or got or achieved , I always used to feel that something was missing !
I kept wondering why do I have this sense of emptiness within me ?!
I saw something and felt that having that item will really make me happy .
After getting the item , I saw that within a short span of time I am feeling empty again !
Why ?
Unknown to me , I was always looking or searching for myself !
Not understanding that , I went about getting this or that , thinking I needed those things .
If it was true , then I should have been fulfilled .
I was not !! 
So , I realised that I was searching for myself !!
Further , my memory was not very useful in helping me search .
The mind and memory are good to find things misplaced !
But , finding me is altogether another issue !
I am not a thing !
I am that which is beyond all things !
As I started to question who or what I am , I slow begun to see that I am not what others see me to be!
I also realise that I am not a physical body ! The body is ever changing . It functions quite independent of me ! As the body keeps changing from a small child to an adult , the ' me ' or ' I ' aspect remains the same ! I Am always I Am !
Searching , reading , thinking and more wondering , I also became aware that there have been many before me who questioned the same issue . They too asked who or what they are ?!
That reassured me that I Am normal and among a certain type of humans who are not contend being the identity that was given to them !! They all asked and questioned who are they ?!
The more I thought and pondered , the more convinced I became that I Am not what or who I am being or identifying  as !
I act or play roles but a large or bigger part of me is always not involved in this drama !!
I bigger part is just being aware and seem to be just witnessing everything I do ?!
The more I realised that , the more I begun to see life and living very differently from others around !
I also became aware that that most people seem to be attached to this body very deeply !
They also had beliefs that made very sense to me !
My whole idea , concept and identity about me was transformed by my understanding of who or what I Am !
I also started to have feelings and experiences that further made me see myself  very differently !
I started becoming less attached to my body ! I also became less of who or what others thought I Am!
I felt more of an energy expressing ! Life was that same energy that flowed through my body !
Thoughts and feelings are very different from the body !
That is how I became very much more settled , peaceful and happy too !
This is a very superficial and simplistic version of the adventure to Self Awareness !

Basically it is a pointer !
Take care . Love.

Words Create their Own Reality !

Words Create their Own Reality !

Some 35 years ago , 2 wonderful people created a wonderful program or way of seeing our reality !
It is called Neuro-Linguistic Program or commonly called NLP !
They discovered or realised that our language , words we use has a way to effect our perception or view of life ! 
Language and words are very powerful tools that can effect our feelings and thinking .
We humans are the only species on this planet that live by our conscious and thinking  faculty .
Concept , ideas and words all have an image  !
We use words but immediately an image  is formed in our mind !
Now that image is how we perceive  our reality !
We associate a word with an image  and that is how we create and perceive  our reality !
That image that we have or use has a history from our life experience and memory .
Let me explain : A simple word fire  is  just that . Fire ! But there is where the reality and truth ends or begins . Fire brings an immediate  image of fire but each image of every individual is unique .
Fire for one individual was when he nearly died from a burning house and so it always bring that frightening  image for him . Fire for another is an image when her life was saved on a cold winter night lost in the wild ! She was able to make a fire and keep warm till the morning when she was rescued ! Fire for her is always a wonderful friendly entity ! Both this person will always have images of fire  associated  with their experiences ! Their reaction and reality for the word  fire is hence formed by those images in their life .
Can you see or understand  how a word is associated with an imagine ?
Of course , I am giving a very simplistic example .
Now if you  were to take a very abstract concept such as  God and make or create an image on that concept , and you will see the way each of us see or understand that concept so very differently !!
Each human has a very unique impression or image of  this very abstract  concept  and that will become their reality !!
Now let us see two or more  people trying or attempting to share or convince or even quarrel about God based on their image , experience and word ! All so different and loaded with emotions and feelings !
Now , can you see how complex language , words , ideas and concepts can become ?!!
That is how we humans have such a  complex situation with our reality and truth !!
Every word we  use or hear is always loaded or has an image  associated with it !
So , language and our brain  or mind all are working towards giving or creating our reality or truth .
All our realities or truth are going to differ !
That is the complex nature of our life and living as humans !!
We share , care , and use words with such a vast  and unique way and expect to understand or see the reality or truth as one common thing !!
I hope you can understand the complexity  of words and reality !!

I will stop here and let you think .
Take care . Love .

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Life and Everything in Life is an addiction !

Life and Everything in Life is an Addiction !

We all seem to like consistency , predictability and certainty . It feels safe , I assume !
There is an in built mechanism that wants to establish a smooth flow of events . 
We like to repeat things that we enjoy or like .
We are creatures of habits .
As we keep doing the same thing over and over , we then start to do without even thinking or being conscious of the doing . It becomes automatic , second nature . 
This craving for consistency is a very strong belief system .
It is safe and also saves energy !
We don't have to be always on alert or guarded .
We can do things without thinking . We assume or sort of expect the nature of events , relationships and outcomes . We like it that way .
We actually get attached to this way of living . 
After some time we actually take that for reality and the truth !
If we are into  turmoil , we get upset , confused and even shocked !
How did it happen any other way ?!
It was not meant to be any other way !
That pattern of predictability that we expect becomes our lifestyle .
In fact , our very character is just a collection of habits !
The fact that this is just a belief pattern and not the reality or truth is completely forgotten !
In our ignorance we live in this make belief world !
We hold on so tight to our way that we are all addicted to this life !
We are not prepared at any cost to just be ! we refuse or are in denial to understand that the whole of life is a process that is always changing every moment !
We have become robotic in our ways of living !
We have even given names to such patterns !
We call them traditions , culture , beliefs and are so proud to maintain them or keep holding them at any cost !
We are doing all we can to go against the natural flow of life !
That to us feels safe and certain !
Not knowing that ,that actually keeps us trapped and in the prison of thoughts !
That is the source of our fear !
Deep within we all know that we are all just living a temporary life that is ever changing !
Yet , we go on denying the

truth or reality and hence the fear !
That is our strange and weird way .
The only way out of this trap or addiction is to become aware first .
Then we simply learn to let go !
We start to live a life of just going with the flow of events !
Living in the ever present moment of now !
That will bring peace , happiness and freedom !
That will do for today !
Take care . Love.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Understanding Spirituality through a Computer Science Perspective !

Spirituality through a Computer Science Perspective !

Sky was clear . Not a cloud to be seen . The sun was up and shining in it's full glory.
The fields were all around and as far as my eyes could see . This were the plains of Punjab .
I was just walking with a few of my relatives from the village . They were simple but kind and friendly people . I was their relative who came from across the seas . They were fascinated with my little gadgets and electronic stuff .
This is a simple story from my life that goes back about 50 years ! That is a long time ago !
I had brought a simple Transistor Radio and was carrying along on my walk . The music from the radio station was in full swing . We were all enjoying our walk in the wheat fields .
As we sat near a well that was bring out water using a camel to turn the wheel that was connected to a chain of buckets that brought the water from the deep well . It was an old traditional way .
I was just so happy to see the lifestyle of my people .
A young boy sat and kept looking at my Transistor Radio . He appeared so fascinated . He looked at me and asked how was the music and all the talking going on inside that small box ? He actually asked if there were little people inside the box ?!!
I was shocked but fascinated by his simple question .
Being a science student , I some how understood  the physics of radio waves , frequencies and other simple electronic stuff . The big radio valves were being replaced by this tiny transistors !
Now , how was I going to explain the ideas and concepts to this science to this wonderful young boy !
It was a real challenge for me share my knowledge with someone who had no idea or concept of the wonder of science and physics !
That was a very long time ago !
Today , as I am equally excited to share more knowledge of another science , the challenge is just as great !!
Spiritual science or metaphysics is knowledge about our human nature and beyond .
The hard ware that I am talking about is the physical human body . The soft ware are the programs that that are loaded into this hard ware !
If we compare the human body and the modern computer , we can understand the mystery and magic of how life and all the lifestyle differences that we humans are having across the planet Earth .
The human body is the same all across the planet . That little superficial colour from the skin is just like paint on the hard ware ! That's all ! However , we have made that into a great fuss and mess across the planet ! What a strange and weird way of thinking ! White , black , brown and yellow are just skin colours ! But , look at the madness created around this little difference ?!!

The bones , organs , blood and all other structure is the same !! 
Now , that is only the hard ware !
Now comes the biggie !!
The soft ware is just a program that is feed , loaded into the human body !
The program like any PC program is just that !!
Whatever you feed or download into the mind is what you will start expressing !!
That is all !! 
GIGO !!! ( Garbage In , Garbage Out ! ) 
It is that easy and simple !! 
Can it get any easier ! Hello  my dear wonderful people ! That is how or who we are !!!
Programmed Beings ! 
All our so called ideas , concepts and knowledge is so very similar to the programs !
Change your thoughts and change your life !! 
My way is better then your way ! My this or my that ! Everything that we are is just that !!
Now try to see and understand this big confusion that we have got into !!
How will one program understand another program ?! A real challenge !
Of course , what I am sharing is a very simplistic model of a system that is a very ,very complex
system !
It is too huge a topic for my blog ! Anyway , that is not my aim too !
I simply want to highlight a simple fact . Our programs are our best friends and our worst enemies !!
Now you can see and decide how you want to go on and play you life out !!
The hard ware will age and finally crumple ! The soft wares can be programmed again and again into my bodies !!
The game goes on !
As the programmers go on changing , so will the programs ! You can see that easily !
Now that is our culture and our great so called civilisation !
I am sure you can understand this concept as you are all knowledgeable and learned !!
I will end my sharing for now !
Take care. Love.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Uncertain and Unpredictable Life Trap !

The Uncertain and Unpredictable Life Trap !

It was a very cold winter morning . I was up very early . It was 3 am !
After washing my face and having some water to drink , I sat down to meditate !
In simple terms I sat quietly to still my mind . A mind that  is just running with endless thoughts and feelings ! Mostly without any reason or use ! Useless , endless , wasteful and beyond my control !
These thoughts and feelings seem to have a life of their own ! They don't obey me ! They go on running in all directions without my understanding ! They simple get me tired , stressed and anxious !
So , my sitting quietly is to understand and realise that I am not these thoughts !
I just want to free myself from this prison that I am trapped in !!
Yes , I am aware and know that thoughts are useful in my day to day functioning in this life and living.

I don't need too many thoughts or even feelings to get through my daily living !
The endless rushing thoughts actually bring more stress than any real good !
It is like living near a very fast rushing stream of water !!
I need water for my needs . A little water is all I need !
I have no need for the endless flow of water !!
My thoughts are like that stream too ! 
As I sit in silence and slowly learn to become still , I realise how I and almost all humans are actually trapped in this daily noise of the rushing and roaring fast stream of thoughts !
The noise is so deafening and all consuming that I am totally lost and unable to see myself !!
There lies All the problems of living in this life !

When I can still my mind , a whole new world appears for me !
I now for the first time become aware that a wonderful and blissful reality is present within me !
I am aware of just being life that is ever present without any thought form disturbing my stillness !
I now identity with the still , peaceful and blissful inner me !
Now , I am aware of my basic delusion !
It is identification with thought form !
A deeper knowingness arises which most call wisdom !
Wisdom is not a product of thought form !

It is that Oneness that is all knowing !
I become awareness per se !!

That is my real and true nature that is not separate from All !
That is the Source that is ever present in All !
That is who or what I Am !
That is how I Am free from the uncertain and unpredictable Lifestyle trap !
Almost all humans are lost in thought !
A whole life time trapped in thoughts !
We are actually imprisoned by our thoughts !

In Stillness , we are able to free ourselves from this life sentence !
Then we are in the real state of a joyful and blissful peace !
Now we are truly liberated and free !
Thank you for your reading and patience !
Take care . Love.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Are We A Learning Species ?!

Are We A Learning Species ?

I am not sure if I can share or express that we humans are a learning species ?!!
What have  we learnt ?
History has shown that very little  has been learnt by us so far !
As a civilisation , we  are still struggling  to perhaps really understand  that word !!
We are just as divided as we have been !
Labels or beliefs may have changed but the basic nature remains the same worldwide !
No , we are not a learning species !!
A thousand years or even two thousand years has not changed our basic human nature !!
A good man was hanged as a petty criminal about two thousand years ! What was his crime ?
Teaching people to love , respect and care for each other ! That was his crime !
A man left all his worldly wealth and power to go away wandering to learn and understand the state of human misery ! 
Are we better ? Have  we learnt from such great teachers ?
Absolutely NO !!!
Instead , we have created strange organisations with rules , regulations and many ways that has only imprisoned the human spirit further in an institution !
In the name of reader , religion , culture and endless other beliefs , we are as divided and confused as we were more then two thousand years or more !
We quarrel and fight wars on any flimsy reason ! 
Sometimes killing is a crime  and at other  times an honour !!
We all know that our life here in this physical form is temporary and will not last very long !
That is a hard fact that nobody can deny !
Yet , we fight and quarrel and desire power , wealth and other material trappings as though we are all going to  live here for ever !!
Is that call learning ?!!
With all our smartness and intelligence we all seem rather naive  in our ways of living !
We keep struggling for basics of living all our life !
We have not progressed very far beyond that if you watch carefully !
We just replace a small useful hut for a bigger and bigger  hut !! give it any name , it is still a place to give some shelter ! That is all !!
If we look around , we will realise that we are just shifting things around or accumulating them  for what higher purpose , I have no idea ?!
Is it difficult to learn that life is most amazing and wonderful ! It is great to love and share ! It is in caring and sharing that we enjoy and get closer and happier  !
We are all just passing through ! Ever changing and temporary !
Rest is just a drama !
We are so much more then just our physical status !
Is that difficult to learn ?
It seems easier to go to the moon then to share , care and love  !
All will pass away ! 
Has any one taken anything with them ? 
Not even the body that we hold or cling to all our life !
A body that keeps changing constantly !
If we are unable to understand such a basic fact , what else are we going to understand !
No , we are not yet ready to learn !,
That will do for now .
Take care. Love.

Time Mystery ! How fast or slow can it be ?

Time Mystery ! How fast or slow can it be ?

I was waiting . I was so excited . I just wanted to see my sweet beloved .
I know she is going to come at 5 pm . I keep looking at my watch and it appears time has just stopped 
Or it is crawling ?!
I keep wondering why time is suddenly teasing me ! 
Time wants to frustrate me ! My time has just stopped for me !
The seconds needle on my watch is moving , yet it appears to tick so slowly !
I want to cry ! I want to shout ! I actually want to scream out loud ! 
Time , please , I beg you to move a little faster and bring me , my love !
After it appears like an eternal wait , my sweet love comes !!
Wow ! 
I am so excited and full of life and energy ! She is here ! I pinch myself ! Yes , she is really hugging  me ! 
I simply cannot believe it ! I am seeing her and touching her ! 
We keep looking , touching and feeling each other ! I just love being with her !
She tells me she has 2 long hours with me ! 
We have so much to share ! She tells me all that  has happened  since our last meeting .
I am looking at her . I am listening to her . I hear her . I see her . 
What a pleasure ! What a joy ! What a life ! I just love being in love !
We talk , we laugh , we smile , we hug , we touch and we keep repeating that again and again !
What a wonderful life it is ! I love you ! I love life ! 
Then , suddenly , she looks at her watch and nearly screams that she has to go in 5 minutes !!
What ! I just cannot believe it ! 
In 5 minutes she has to go ! 
In disbelief , I don't know what to do ! 
We hugged , we kissed and keep hugging  ! 
Tears are running down our cheeks !
Time shows no mercy ! 
Time has finally done it !
Time has run out !
It is over ! 
Time is  over ! 
Good bye my dearest love ! 
I just cannot believe that with one breath  time  just vanished  and it is over  !
Two hours disappeared in a moment !!
Now , here is the mystery of time  !
When it feels like it crawls and then it runs so fast that time just feels like it is not there !
What is time ?!
Is it real ?!
Whose reality ?,
This is the mystery  of time  !!
Have your say ?
I will stop here and make you think or feel !
Thank you and take your time !!
Take care ? Love .
Amar .

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

In Duality True Love and Happiness cannot be found !

In Duality True Love and Happiness Cannot be found !

I was having my coffee and this thought started growing in my space !
I found it interesting and fascinating too !
We are living in the world of duality . 
There is always going to be many sides to any issue !
Opinions , views and way of expressing is always going to be having multiple outcomes !
The very essence of live here is that of duality ! 
Simply, it means more than one !
Two and more is the rule of being in this world of duality !
Let us examine and see if it is real and true ?!
The very way of being here is being separate from our source !! That is the primary nature of duality !
Now , you see yourself as separate and so you have to think and find ways to do and take responsibility for yourself and life in general !
Your very sense of feeling , thinking and believing that you are separate is where lies all the drama !!
You are always and constantly wondering , wanting and searching for ways to be happy and peaceful!
When you love someone , you have endless trains of thoughts running in your mind about this or that!
Your expectations and desires are always running ahead of you !
What can I get from this relationship ?!
It is always about ' I ' or ' me ' !
We call that being selfish !

While that is what we have created and believe in all the time !
What is there for me in this ?!!
We are going to run around for the rest of our life !
It is like a wild goose chase !
There is always going to be a sense of emptiness within us !!
That is so , because we are and have created this illusion of being separate !!
So , in duality we cannot truly be happy or blissful !
We have no idea what love is all about !!
It is a relationship of a contract and convince !! What will I get out from this ?!!
In the life and world of duality , I am not going to see any real love , happiness or peace !
I and my beliefs are my realities ! I will live by them and will die by them !
That is the way of living in this duality !
That is enough for today .
Take care . Love with no agenda !

Monday, July 7, 2014

Being Empty of Form !

Being Empty of Form !

It was a bright and hot sunny day . 
I had a lunch date at an up market restaurant in the city.
The restaurant was in a well known landmark building .
It was popular with the upper or top business crowd .
As I sat and was having my lunch , I saw that the place got full very fast .
Prices were not easy to the pocket as I was studying the menu !
All those who walked in give an air of confidence and means !
The body language was that of self importance .
I was in a place where success of the worldly type was in full force !
All the forms had symbols that cried of a grand show of please look at me !
Attention seeking or recognition hunger is a real issue for many in this world !
While , sitting , I slowly drifted into my inner space !
It is very common for me to just drift away into the inner space , especially in such empty places of forms ! 
What I mean by this is that I see or witness every form as a passing process that is ever changing and will just crumble away faster then most realise it !!
All this superficial show or drama will not last !
Holding or trying to cling to this ever changing form is futile and a waste !
It is one reality show that you enjoy it, as it is passing ! It will and is passing !
If we become so focused only on form , then we are always going to find ourselves in a place of loss !
It does not take much to realise or draw this conclusion when you look around and see the reality !

Being empty of form is simply letting go of the ever changing form !
When you become aware of the inner space that is beyond form , you will become peaceful , relaxed and happy too !
There is no pressure to hold on to anything at all .
If it is here , enjoy it !
If is is gone , let it go ! Enjoy that too !
Enjoy any and every experience as it is !
When you can do this , you will see that there is only joy in every activity and experience !
Life become a joyful experience !
That is it !
Take care . Love.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Honeymoon Effect , Peak Experience or Feeling Top of the World !

Peak Experience !

It was a beautiful day ! The sky was clear . Blue and bright . An occasional cloud floating or sailing across the sky !
I was driving in a most beautiful and scenic country ! The mountains and distant hills were awesome !
The vast landscape was just so , well , vast !
Scattered trees , wild grass and swollen rivers and streams just kept passing as I drove my car on this lonely road . 
I was in South Island , New Zealand !
What a beautiful country .
I was on my way to Milford Sound from Queenstown .
As I stopped to have breakfast in a quaint country cafe , the friendly owners informed me that it is a wonderful day to visit the fjords . After a good rain , there will be so many waterfalls rushing over the mountains ! It was so very true !
Everything was just so perfect ! I was feeling so wonderfully happy and joyful !
I felt in paradise ! I was having a peak experience !
Felt on top of the world ! Full of joy , happy , energy , passion and love for everything !
I was feeling as though the whole world was there to give me love and so much more !
What a feeling !
Honeymoon effect is just like that too !! Everything around is just perfect and full of love and joy !
I have had many such peak experiences and sometimes they become plateaus !! The wonderful feelings just go on and on !
It feels like heaven on earth !!
How or why do we have such an experience ? How do we fall or fill when we are in love ?
What happens ? What need to really happen to have this experience ?
I have been studying this phenomenon for some time now !
My so called mystical experiences , feeling a divine presence or just being One with everything is also similar to the above experiences .
They are all the same . 
There is a heightened energy level ! It is like you are living on a full tank of energy !
The one word that keeps coming and floating around is love !
It is like being in love with everything ! It feels like one has become love itself !
Many people have studied all this feelings. Psychologist such as Abraham Maslow wrote wonderfully about the upper limits of human nature ! He made it his passion to study the most happy and psychological healthy individuals . William James , another well known American psychologist too wrote about the many varieties of religious experiences .
There is a book by Dr. Bruce Lipton titled , ' The Honeymoon Effect ' ! He also wrote another book , titled ' The Biology of Belief ' !

It is worth your effort to study further these wonderful subject . 
Understanding love , studying love and experiencing love is really worth it !
We all have experienced love in some form or another . 
When we are really and totally in full blown love , then we are living in paradise or heaven !
Now we actually have a science of creating heaven on earth !
Just go for it ! It is life changing !
Take care . 
Love matters ! 
Love you where ever you are !!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Living in Awareness in our Daily Life !

Living in Awareness in our Daily Life !

As I was coming down the stairs this morning , it suddenly dawned on me that I must or have to share how my life is such fun and joyful !( even when things don't appear so ! )
It is in sharing such simple things that we may see some wonderful secrets !
Yes , we read all sorts of wonderful books by wonderful and wise people but sometimes simple and small things are missed !
Perhaps not deliberately bur due to it's insignificant nature !!
I will share and explain and you will understand !
Let me share :
Just as my eyes open in the morning , I am so awed and full of joy !! I keep lying in bed without moving my body at all ! Lying in that stillness and letting my eyes move around watching or observing everything as though I am seeing everything for the first time !!
I become aware of my body in a most intimate and detailed way !
Every part seems so alife and wonderful ! I can just feel the weight of my head as it is resting on the pillow ! Then I seem to run my awareness or beingness all around ! It is as though I just am coming into my body ! The body , hands ,legs and toes are so marvelous ! Feeling of the bedsheets , the quilt or blanket ! Such small and minute details that I find it even difficult to express !
A glow around my body and self !
A feeling of intense joy , happiness and love for all and everything !
It is just unbelievable how much fun I get and am in just waking up !!
I am just in wonder and wondering how I am here !
As I gently focus on my sense of being , I feel an amazing sense of moment to moment sparks of life energy dancing in me , around me and everywhere !!
This awesome energy of life is so fascinating ! It has a sweet tingling sensation as it dances or runs all around me !
I really have no idea what or who is lying in bed !! As I see some thoughts arriving from somewhere and slowly expressing gently that I am Amar ! Then a whole form of memory comes rushing in with  all the information of my form state !!
This is all being experienced even before I have moved or got up !!
Then something happens and a thought runs in me to tell my body to get up !
I can see how my body responses and lo and behold , I can actually see my body sitting up in bed !!
It is so amazing that It simply blows me away !
I keep looking at my body , then my feet as they touch the carpet next to my bed ! It is a beautiful sensation with gentle tingling all around ! Feels so wonderful and good !
I really feel like shouting or singing how wonderful

everything and life is !!
Standing up and walking is so much of fun !! As my body swings and moves , I am aware of every movement and can feel all my joints clicking in and moving in such precise pace and balance !!
Sometimes , I actually run to the mirror to see who or what is there !!
Seeing an image that I see is amazing ! That is me or my form ! Wow !
I can feel a thrill running down my spine as I see my form !
I keep looking at my eyes and that is just awesome !!
I see this form and become aware that this is what or who I am seen by all !!
That is not who or what I really am !!
Well , that is good enough and will have to accept it !
With that I become Amar and all the other endless roles that float in and out of me throughout my waking time !
This sense of awareness is just amazing !
Ever sense is so full of life !! It is awesome !
Touch , taste , smell , hearing and sight !!
Through them I become aware of what is !
Then comes my feelings of emotions and thoughts !
What a delightful world and life , I am enjoying !!
Is this how you see or experience your life and living ??!!
I can go on expressing endlessly about everything and more ..........!!
Will end here for now !
Please feel free to ponder , think and ask ?!
Take care . Love.