Thursday, March 27, 2014

After Becoming Nothing and Nobody ! How to Be or Do !!

After Becoming Nothing and Nobody ! How to Be or Do !!

What do I mean by being nothing or being nobody ? It is becoming aware that in this ever passing life and living , we are just passing through like a flowing river ! In this continuous moving live , we are always changing or unfolding forever !! How can one become this or that ??!!
Life like energy or electricity is just there and everywhere ! 
Most are just not aware or sensitive to the ever presence of life !
They have identified with the physical body and their thoughts and feelings !
Even if you have done that , you are still constantly changing !
The only real thing is change !
Once you realise that , then you are that ever present energy that can express in any way !
Just like energy , it can be heat energy , light energy , sound energy , magnetic energy and so on !
Energy is energy ! It can express in any form !
Life energy is the same !
You can express in any way that you want to or are expected to !
Love is one such wonderful example . Love yourself , love others . Love can be as a mother to a child. Love for your wife or husband . Love for your sister or brother . Love for friends . Love for God . Love can be simply in any way !
As I am , I now express or extend my energy as a father frequency energy form ! I can instantly change my frequency to being a son towards my mother instantly ! Then a brother or husband or any other form or role ! 
Once you are aware , you are able to understand that you can be anything and nothing in an instant !
You are nothing and yet can be anything ! 
Then you are able to let go of all the labels and wrappings in the form of belief systems and see yourself as pure awareness !!
That is becoming nothing and nobody yet you are aware and can play any roles !
By being aware , we are free to choose any identity yet are not trapped !
Then this very life becomes fun to play without the miserable fears and the negatives !
Will end for today .
Till we meet again . Enjoy and always love yourself and all around !

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Life and Living is Simple , Mind Complicates !

Life and Living is Simple , Mind complicates !

I look back into my childhood and see a happy child ! Happy for no reason ! Needs were minimum !
Get up , have a simple breakfast and off I go to play !
What is play ?
Just running about the hills around my home . chasing grasshoppers and butterflies !
Always excited and fascinated with almost everything !
Walking past the hills and watching new leaves , a creeper , a new flower , an insect , a twig and
so endless things just fascinate me !
The flowing river is flowing . I can sit by its side and keep looking , dreaming and just wondering !
I am walking . The stones on the path , some round ,some big some small but they all are beautiful !
How is all this happening ?! Why is this happening ? 
Then everything was just magical and fun !
There was great joy in exploring the tinest of things . Watching a millipede crawling with so many legs! The birds flying , beetles crawling , flowers opening , sun rising , night coming , rain falling !
Everything was magic ! Living was fun and mysterious !
Life and Living was really simple and fun !
What happens as we grow up ??!!
We get all wrapped and trapped with a mind that suddenly has endless demands and needs !
This never ending needs keep me chasing them all my life !
I don't know why I got into this mess ?!!
I get a feeling that I saw all grown ups running and chasing those needs !
Now I have given playing this mind game with these grown ups !
I am back to just watching life and living is fun !!
I have realised that Life and Living is simple !
The mind can go on rumbling or grumbling ! Don't mind this mind !
Take care . love .
See you .

Monday, March 24, 2014

My Experience with Reality !

My Experience with Reality !

I enjoy and like to write and share ! I like to do that because I have got into a way of thinking and living ! 
I thought about what is the best I can share with you ?!
Yes , I can write about the beautiful nature . Those wonderful and magical countrysides where
humans have not spoiled or destroyed with their idea of progress !
Beautiful pristine mountains , lakes , rivers and seasides are so peaceful , fresh and neat !
Let humans come , and something very strange and sadly bad happens !
Nature was there long before humans were even born , created , developed or evolved !
Nature will still be there , but not sure in which sharp !
We have really made a mess of everything , yet we Keep convincing ourselves that we are progressing! What do we really mean when we say we are progressing ?!
Who are this we ? Does it mean we all or a handful of us !
Of course , it means a handful of us !!
What are this handful really doing ??!!
Just look around in every corner of the planet ! They are all around ! They are busy gathering , collecting , hording , packing and accumulating all that they can lay their hands on !!
We give them glorious labels and honours ! 
Watch carefully what they are really doing and having !
I have been watching these humans .
They have a serious mental disorder ! Yes , really ! 
They can have as much as their strange mind tells them to have , yet , when they are hungry , they can only eat one plate of any food ! When thirsty , they can have only a glass of water !
When tired , they can sleep just on one bed , that too a small corner ! Call it king size or emperor size!
They may have 100 rooms in their mansion or castle ! They can even have a thousand rooms !
There lies some strange problem ! Why do they need to behave like this ??!!
That is the biggest problem humans have !
What is the need for this strange behaviour ?
They lack their sense of Self !! Lack self esteem , self confidence , self awareness and all other values of themselves ! They are empty

inside spiritually !! 
Now they are trying to fill that sense of emptiness with material stuff or mental stuff !!
It will only get worse !! 
If one person is not happy or satisfied with a million or a billion , they are in big trouble !
They need help !! Not showing their faces on glossy magazines ! Not making them celebrates !
The more we do or go in that direction , the more our planet is going to be destroyed !
You , me and we all have a choice .
Make your choice ?!!
I have made mine !
Take care , Love .

Friday, March 21, 2014

Just Want to Be Me !

Just Want to Be Me !

Finally I just want to be me ! I don't want to be anybody , somebody or whatever !
I want to be nobody !
I want to be the beautiful spirit I was when I was in a small body ! I am upset and frighten with my big body ! People with big bodies do scary things !
I want to be me ! I don't want to be given any labels or identities !
I don't know what to do with this labels or identities anymore !
I can feel and I can think . That is good enough for me !
I like and love so much ! I am happy with that too !
What is the colour or shape of my love ? No colour or shape at all !
Love is like the light that shines and brightens everything that it shines on !
Light by itself remains invisible !
Just being me is good and light too !
I cannot go on carrying all the trappings and wrappings around me anymore !
They are worn out , they are old and they are mostly useless to me !
They have become uncomfortable and tight around me !
I want to be free from all this stuff that was given to me by the big people when I was in a small body!
I then , had no idea or could not understand what was being given to me !
The big people looked serious , talked serious and ( I thought ! ) thought they did serious things !
I too wanted to be serious , talk serious and do serious things !
Today , I have come to the realisation that the big people are very confused , lost and really very frightened people !!
They have big bodies only ! There is nothing fun or good in them ! 
I like my small body and I have great fun being in my body .
I like to run and chase butterflies ! I like to just go for long walks by the river !
I like to watch the passing clouds and play in the rain too !
I like the beautiful plants , trees , flowers and fruits .
I like the birds , insects and all animals too !
All things , especially living forms make me so happy .
Big people are always wanting this and wanting that , frightening , always wanting more , pushing here, pulling there . They want to become bigger and bigger  and bigger !!!

I want to become smaller and smaller and hope to become nothing !!
That is all my dear friends !
Take care . Love you.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What Is The Reason for Abuse Or Violence in Humans !

What Is The Reason for Abuse or Violence in Humans !

Love is the reason for all good and all evil !! It will surprise you or even get you angry or annoyed
to see me say that !
The root of all human expressions or feelings is one common factor . It is love !
Let me try to explain that further . Love is that energy , force , feelings where you feel your sense of being with value and goodness . Your very essence of existence is based on love ! Love is the source of your inner most core . It is the very spirit of Life !
Well , all that sounds good . What has that got to do with abuse or even violence ?
Love at its core spirituality is Oneness .
Love Seen From the Perspective of Mind is a very Different Story ! 
The limited mind is attached to the body . Everything about the mind and the body is limited .
Love seen from that level is also seen as limited and scarce .
Love has now become an object that must be guarded and given or taken with caution !
One could simple give it away and left with none . I cannot simply share my love around with anyone!
When love is seen as an object with limits from the limited mind perspective , than trouble starts !
As I feel incomplete and lack love . I have to do something to acquire love or get it some how !
With this attitude , we go around trapped at the mind level .
We want love , we demand love , we beg for love , we fight for love . Love is the essence of our core nature . So , anything that threatens my life , my survival , my sense of being or belonging becomes my right to defend or get it by force !
As the mind believes in a limited love , it uses it , controls it and start to abuse it !
Now , look around the world of humans : We have divided everything . We have become possessive
and controlling . The world is now a property . The people too have become property . Everything now is seen as belonging to me or somebody else .It's mine or is is not !
With this kind of limited thinking we have created our so called civilisation and culture !!
It is a perfect recipe for disaster !
It does

not matter what progress we make externally ! We are going to abuse or even become violent
to keep love or get love ! Love has become money , power , material , race , religion , country , nation, family and everything else !
Can you see an end in sight ??!!
With this mind set , we are heading towards self destruction !
Until and unless , we can let go of this mind set , we are not going to get any peace on this planet !
We will have to come to terms and understand that love is not limited ! 
Love is all and everything ! Love is God or Whatever ! I Am Love , You are Love .
We are all full of love ! We are complete . We are All Love Beings !
Will end now . Take care . Love .

Further Reflections on Identity

Further Reflections on Identity .

Yesterday , I wrote my thoughts on how I feel about identity . Today , I like to share more thoughts and feelings on identity .
With form, identity will automatically be there . It is like a shadow . Form is structured , limited in time and space . It begs for identity !
For me the issue of identity becoming a burden happens when I have completely identified myself with the form ! That complete identification is the issue .
As , the body/mind form is ever changing ! There is a beginning to this story and there is going to be an end ! That is a fact of our lives here . 
This ever changing form is where lies the fun or misery ! 
If , I can understand that the form is not me , but an extension or expression of my Self , then it becomes fun ! If I cannot see that and become one with form , then misery will automatically be my shadow ! As I see my form changing and sliding  down , I will start to feel fearful and dreadful for that coming day when the show will be over !! I will believe that my end is coming ! That will lead to all sorts of believes and fears .
What all the wise people realised was that Me , Self or which ever way one likes to refer to the life form , is not the same as the ever changing body .
The realisation or awakening to that fact makes all the difference .
I see or experience myself as an energy entity that is expressing and enjoying life here on this plane .
The energy component is never born and cannot die ! The physical body will eventually die and disintegrate into the elements again .
It is a very simple understanding that I am aware of . Let me try to give an example : I have this electric cooker . The electricity keeps the cooker functioning and useful . The cooker over time gets old and finally breaks down . It is beyond repair . That , to me is the death or end of the cooker ! 
Nothing has happened to electricity whatsoever !! Electricity is energy . It cannot be destroyed . It is not even created . What we are doing is just harnessing or able to extract or manage to express energy for our us . 
Once , I am aware and have understood that I am That , then the rest of life and living becomes a show time . Will enjoy our time here and have fun with all aspects of life and living !
Will enjoy the best of times and also the worst of times ! That can happen because you now are enjoying the experience of living ! Life becomes an experience !
Having identity with that awareness and realisation is wonderful and fun ! Now , I want to experience and enjoy being me through the many identities that I pass through ! 

Sometimes , a son , a brother , a father , a husband , a doctor , a grandfather , a friend , a citizen of a country , a race , a skin colour , a religion and all the countless identities that we acquire as we pass through life ! Finally a day will come , when I will be just given a label , that the body of Amar is lying for the final rites ! That is the fun that I talk of !
When I can see myself as all this and yet none of this , then I am free in the real sense !
That is the Ultimate realisation from the drama of living there ! 
The rest of life and living is a temporary drama that we get so excited and entangled in . We are so meshed in our drama that we have no time to even think that it will be over someday ! What does it all mean ??!!
Whatever way you see live , it is okay ! There is no right or wrong .
If you are happy and enjoying life , then keep enjoying !
If you are miserable and feel that life is painful , then sit back and read my blog again !!
Till we meet again , take care and love .

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Feeling Tired Of Identity !!

Feeling Tired Of Identity !!

Today , I am feeling tired of identity !!  My identity has become a burden !!
The identity of who I think I am , what am about , what I need , feel or do are all endless
thoughts and feelings that will just go on like bubbles arising in the water !!
What do they mean in the final and ultimate context ?!
Really nothing !
What does it matter what is happening or not happening ?!
Does it matter ?
Whatever I experienced when I was 10 years old , 20 years old or 40 years or 50 years !!
Does it really matter ?
Whatever I talk about , what I feel really does not matter !
I actually feel that all of life's living is strangely meaningless !!
It's like constantly changing the arrangements of objects in the same constant space !
I can re-arrange , re-design my lifestyle or my objects around and around , but , it gives a temporary feeling of freshness until I

get tired or bored with the arrangement !
Then I am looking for change again !
This is the basic underlying dis-ease of all forms !
The forms keep changing and the identities too keep changing !
What does it matter if I live this way or that way !!
Some are living this way , some are living that way !
Some like this or some like that !
Some want this and some want that !
Some are coming here , some are going there !
All this endless drama of no meaning !
In a hundred years , who will care what is right or wrong ?!
We get so identified , trapped , wrapped in our endless belief systems , families , friends , position , wealth and all other trappings of human activities and frolics for what ??!!
It is only when I go beyond all these identities and traps and live in the moment to moment that I can see the fun and joy of these endless and meaningless life !
Life just is !! Life , as it is , is all that matters ! Love is the true expression of Life !
Love that is just expressing like the rays of the sun ! No expectations , no demands , no ownership , on needs ,no wants ! Just pure sharing and caring from the deep sense of being One with All !
Love that is Life's other name ! 
A deep sense in me wanted to share , wanted to come out , want to just be !
When I become a flow , then the flowing just happens !
The I simply cannot hold the flow anymore ! 
This is what the ancients called : SatChidAnanda ! ( Being and seeing the ever flowing truth and reality and enjoying beyond needs , just blissfully !! )
This is our true nature !!
Love you all !

Why Do I Feel Like That ?

Why Do I Feel Like That ?

I have been sitting on this mountain for a long time ! I keep looking down at the villages and cities down in the valleys . 
Everything else is good . The trees , birds , animals and the rivers are flowing as they should . 
The grass keeps growing . Insects crawling , some flying and others gathering what they need .
I am watching and that seems to be the  scheme of things . That is the order of everything .
Then I see this 2 legged Humans that is running around in all directions ! Sometimes in this direction and sometimes in the other direction . Pushing and pulling all the time ! Shouting and screaming most of the time !
I am wondering what are they doing and why ? 
A newborn comes and they all gather and start singing , shouting and dancing !
One among them gets tired , ill and diseased , and they all gather again to sit around silently .
Sometimes they mumble some words and look up ! ( I wonder if they saw me or were aware that I am watching them ! ) Others run here and there doing something .
Always , the ones running  will just stop running and become still !
All gather again , some shouting or screaming , others sitting silently and quiet .

Then they go back to their running here and there !
I am still wondering what are they doing ? I am still wondering why are they always running ?
They seem to be going no where ! Where is there to go anywhere !!
They keep running round and round ! They have to as they live in a round place !
Do they know that they are running round and round and going no where ?!
I am still sitting on the mountain and wondering why I feel like that ?
Take care . Love.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Follow Your Blissful Passion !

Follow Your Blissful Passion !

I have been sitting and really thinking ! Having come to this stage of my wonderful life , now what ?!
Firstly , I must enjoy my life and love myself ! I must appreciate my wonderful body , mind and spirit.
I am so happy and blissful to just be ! Life for me is simply experience ! I have come to enjoy and experience this amazing and awesome life ! Every experience is just magical . I have moments of joy and also moments of being sad . Both are welcomed ! They give me a certain depth of understanding that is so beautiful . I appreciate them to become balanced , matured and wise .
Having understood much and always open to more understanding is just so wonderful .
I really enjoy the flow of life ! As I soak in every moment of my living experience , I also enjoy seeing everything passing away ! This sense of letting go and letting the new to come and also to let that go is my greatest joy ! That one realisation has brought much peace and gentleness to my living .
It allows me to just take everything free and easy .
With such an attitude , I can walk tall . I can walk my talk ! 
Being who I am and being there for others is a wonderful way to be and live .
I am not the best nor am I the worst ! I am just what I am !
That allows me to just be ! My needs and my expectations are living comfortably within me !
Stress or tensions of living come when others and their views and opinions matter more than what I am !
I have come to accept myself just as I am !
Just passing through !
As I leave my footprints and move on , it matters little what happens ! Time is a play of forms !
With this way of living and letting others too live in the same way , is my way ! 
Change will keep happening . You or me have choices ! We always have choices that gives us the magic of being free even in unfree places !
With this wonderful and magical way , I will keep living and sharing my wonderful life !
Thank you for being !
Take care . Love.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Who is That in the Mirror ??!!

Who is That in the Mirror ??!!

Let me be honest with you right from the very beginning ! I have honestly Never ever seen my face !
Have you ? Really ? Be honest ?
We All have been lead to believe that we are seeing our face through the reflections of everything and everybody , except us !
We have accepted that belief and now actually believe that we are seeing our true and real face !!
Believe me , in reality we are not what we are seeing !!
What we all see is the physical body and that too without our face !
In a way we are faceless ! Yes , we are really faceless ! 
That is the truth that most will find funny or even annoying .
Yet , if you sat and thought , you will realise that that is the best thing that will happen to you !
You will become free instantly and joyful !
If you are really faceless and so are everybody , what does that mean ?!
It means we are all simple trapped to a face .

 that is not really ours !
It also means that as nobody has seen you or your face , then what do they really know about you ?!
Nothing really !!
Nobody really knows you !
You are free to go about without having to feel bad , uncomfortable or ashamed of your real face !
When I came to this realisation , I felt so good and free !
We have all identified ourselves with that physical face that we keep seeing as a reflection all around us ! We carry photos and go about saying that my face looks like that or your face looks like that !
We have actually created a whole culture and civilisation around the false idea !
Think about this before you start to swear at me or abuse me in some other form !
This one realisation can free you !
I will leave you to just think or reflect on this thought !
Till we meet again . Take care .

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Reflections on Why are Women Abused by Men !

 Reflections on Why are Women Abused by Men !

Today , I feel like sharing and reflecting on why are women abused by men ! I am express my feelings and my thoughts as I feel or see them ! I want to write , share , express from my feelings more than use my intelligence with smart research ! All the smart and intelligence is good , but , I want to share from my intuitive nature !
This whole business of abuse is very upsetting and disturbing to me .
Women are the very source of our being here ! Women are our mothers , sisters and daughters ! Yes , I am aware of the other relationship where they are there for procreation .
All men have mothers !! A mother is almost always a woman ! She is the first person all men have a relationship with ! A mother and son's relationship is always good ! ( I am not saying that a mother and daughter's relationship is different ! Please, don't even have those thoughts ! My topic is men , today . )
We all love our mothers . Mothers are our first guides , teachers and care takers . Mothers have a great influence on their children . All boys adore their mothers . Of course , I am writing in a general manner . I am not writing about abnormal situations where the mothers are not well physically or more so psychologically ! That is another topic .
After mothers , our sisters play such an important role in our lives . We love our sisters and there is a wonderful bond between them .
Finally , when we start our own families , we also enjoy our daughters . 
All women are such a close part of our life . The love we learn from our mothers , sisters and daughters make us better . We understand love more because of mothers.
If this is true and appears simple and true , then what happens to men later in life ??!!
Why do they become so hostile , abusive , controlling , angry , possessive and threatened ??!!
What is the fear ? Why are the women not seen as equal ?
If man go out to bring food , money , material , protect and guard them and their families , women too are always or continuously attending to matters at home ! A home is where the woman is ! A home is where the heart is ! That is love , a sense of belong , joy and meaning as a family unit .
Then , why do men behave in such abusive ways ?
Is it a power game ? Is men feeling that he is emotionally weak , so he uses his brute force to hid his real weak and venerable nature ?
Does he forget that no human can be a property and start to for some crazy reason see her as his property ! ( Don't look at my woman ! )
There must be some strange power , emotions , possessive or some other mystery that we human beings behave in such weird ways !
Both man and women are equal partners of the great human civilisation !It is like a bird with two wings . One wing is a man and the other a woman ! If one wing is weak , the bird cannot fly high or far !
If , we don't bring women to be equal , we are going to go on destroying ourselves !
In any culture , where women are not treated fair , equal and right , we are going to see serious problems .
I have written this simple article /blog in a very simplistic fashion . I just want to let my feelings  come out naturally without my smartness !
I am sharing how my heart feels .
Will end for today . This topic is really important for all of us . 
We need to seriously get up to put a stop to

this madness !
Thank you . Take care . Love.

My Personal Development towards Being Me !

My Personal Development towards Being Me !

As a young boy , somehow , I saw myself as a 3 in one type of person ! What I mean by that is that , I saw that I had a physical body , a mind and a spirit ! How I came to that discovery or awareness , I have no idea ! I was just entering my teens . 
So , I came to the grand conclusion that I will develop all the 3 parts to have a balanced life !
So that is what I did !
Developing the physical was an adventure . I was tall but very thin or lanky . I was not  happy with my being very lean and even skinny ! When I asked my wonderful father . He simply replied that I will start putting on weight when I get married ! I found that answer rather funny and irrational ! What has my weight got to do with marriage ? 
So , one day , when in college , I saw a bodybuilder type of character from another class . I was just about 18 years old . I was studying in pre-medical class . Preparing to join a medical college .
I kept observing this tough , well build guy . He walked confidentiality . Appeared relaxed . Also looked friendly . I decided to just go up to him and asked how do I put on some muscles like him ?!
He was really a wonderful guy ! He actually became my mentor and guided me to start doing some body work ! My father was wondering what is going on . I told him to give me 6 months and see if I can show some change to my physical body . I also told him that I don't need to wait till I get married!
Seemed a reasonable suggestion and so off I went with my body building program . My guide was really good and we became good friends . 
Yes , within 6 months , I was walking upright ! No more hunching ! My shoulders , arms were looking good . My father accepted the reality and allowed me to keep going with my plans .
That was my physical program .
As to my mind development , it was easy ! I was always very curious and liked reading books . So , all I had to do was to just read as much as I could ! No subjects were barred for me . I was like a

sponge , just taking in all sorts of information . Again , my father found that strange . He saw me reading books on astronomy , physics , history , religions , spirituality , economy , oceans and all !! Again , I told him that I just wanted to know as much as I can to understand everything . He was simply unable to understand me .
That became my mind development .
Finally , the real fun and worry was , when I started my development on my spiritual part !
Both my parents were confused and worried ! I started asking all sorts of questions about life , religion and more . 
Questions that I knew they had no answers ! Which religion was better ? Why ?
How or what all this God business ?!
As they were unable to satisfy me , I went around searching for answers from other sources .
That was a whole wonderful adventure that needs a whole book to share !
In short , my life adventure has been fun ! Were there difficulties ? Of course ! Was there pain ? Yes.
Whatever the journey , the ups and down , it was worth it !
When I look at all the 3 parts today , I can really smile and say that it is a good balance !
There is a sense of feeling complete and whole !! A wonderful sense of just being now !
Everything that is happening is just perfect ! 
I think I will end my blog now .
Till we meet again , take care . Love.