Saturday, March 1, 2014

Addiction is the Way of Non-Growth !

Addiction is the Way of Non-Growth !

We were never meant to be hooked to anything in life ! We are an ever changing progressive life form that is always expressing and expanding to new expansions and experiences . That is our true form . We have come to this wonderful physical Universe to enjoy and see the amazing nature of the physical realm . 
As we are in an ever process of unfolding , we are always having a new experience. 
Addiction simple means that we have become attached to something and now don't want to let it go !
It can be anything . Drugs, alcohol , other substances are the least of the issues , yet , we have made that into our main preoccupation and have diverted our thoughts and feelings into this minor area !
In fact , this is a symptom of a bigger issue ! 
We  are lost and confused in our life , we become aimless and without any direction . That sense of feeling confused, meaninglessness and lost is a place for breeding addictions !
When we are not growing or flowing with life , we are stagnant and decaying ! You know that decay means rotting and disintegration .
Addiction leads to attachment which than leads to non -growth !
Just watch any person who is addicted to any thing and you will see a pattern . They are unable to move forward and go beyond to a new experience and self growth .
The addict gets hooked and trapped in that chronic repetitive pattern . He/she goes on wanting to do the same thing again and again . They are unable to see anything worth going for beyond their addiction .
A person gets addicted to making money , and then he/she goes on and on doing the same thing over the rest of his life ! Than , they grow old and become helpless and hopeless and are lying there probably

 wondering what happened . The end comes and it is a sad , miserable story !
Have you ever put up photos of such addicts at your home ??!!
How come we are always admiring people like Mother Theresa , Nelson Mandela , Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr !
How come we go further to worship mysterious entities like Jesus Christ , Buddha and countless sages , saints and other wise men and women ??
Study them carefully and you will realise that all these great people were not addicted to anything in this material world !
They came to tell us and make us see that we are more than the physical body/mind .
When we can realise that , we start to grow and expand to a whole new Self awareness !
We than understand the wonderful magic of really being in this world and yet not of this world !
Than we are awakening to our true and real Self ! 
That is our real purpose and joy of being .
Enjoying the amazing wonderful life and living here in the physical world and yet knowing that we are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience !
Than the fun starts !
That is enough for today . 
Just get up to your true nature to expand and express .
Have a great weekend . Take care .
Till we meet again .

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