Thursday, November 28, 2013

Simply go with the Flow of Living !

Simply go with the Flow of Living !

As I woke up from my sleep , I was lying in bed and wondering at how we have accepted and taken 
our sleep for granted . Sleep like the rest of Life and Living becomes part and parcel of just being .
We grow into living and get busy doing thousands of activities all our life. It's great , wonderful and
okay to be doing our living stuff .
I just wanted to step away from my activities and wonder at the life that is expressing this living !
Let me try to explain what i mean . I know that I go to sleep when I am sleepy . How do I actually fall
asleep !? I want to be like a child who is amazed and fascinated with everything . I dont want my 
mind cluttered with all sorts of learned techie stuff to take away my wonderful magical living .
My head touches the pillow and I am gone from my waking world to another mysterious world of 
sleep and dreams ! What happens there is beyond my awaressness or understanding .
My physical body functions perfectly without my presence ! I am not around ! I have gone to another state or level of living ! My heart beats perfectly and my blood flows as it normally does. My kidneys , brain , liver
and the whole body goes on functioning normally as it always does !. 
Where I am ? What has happened to me ? 
Than , as mysteriously as I went to sleep , I wake up to continue to be me again !!
Who or what is in charge here ? 
I dont think or feel I am in charge of Life or living !
Of course , I have bought into the belief that I am in charge or at least that I know that I know !!
I feel I dont know ! Yes, I have all sorts of clever words and explanations given to me by clever people .
Clever people have always been around on our planet ! 
Thay have always told us things . 
They told us that the world was flat and our ancestors believed these clever people !
They told us a long time ago that all heavenly objects moved around our planet Earth and we believed 
that too ! 
We can easily believe in all sorts of things when told by clever people .
These clever people seem to know about everything !
I am not so sure now about that any more !
Who know what they will tell me next !
I am told that I am living in a Universe that has no beginning or no end !!
I have been trying to understand that for a very long time and I still am lost and confused about this infinite stuff !
I have tried thinking of how big is big or how small is small and on that too I am always left wondering !
Today , I have to leave my thoughts and feelings here as I am again feeling sleepy !
Good night !

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The WildOne is a Free Spirit .

The WildOne is a Free Spirit .

We were all  born wild and free ! Born to experience life and living as it unfolds .
WildOne is a free spirit who simply wants to explore , expand , express and experience
everything with an open mind .
WildOne has only one agenda !
To experience life passionately and joyfully .
The Wild One has experienced that if one becomes quiet and still from within , a whole
new magical and mysterious world opens !
Life and living starts to be ' Felt ' !
This felt feelings are experienced as blissful and blessful always !
A sense of joy and happiness of an unearthly nature !
The WildOne can feel that the Body/Mind aspect is ever changing yet at some deeper or 
outer dimension there is a sense of  changeless awareness that seems timeless and also
spaceless !!
The experience of living becomes aware of a sense being ! It's more like beingness ! 
Everything  within and without  is just expressing itself as a process !!
At this stage words are not very helpful ! Thoughts too appear helpless !
One just feels ! Even the sense of one becomes blurred !

Today, the WildOne has decided to share his wild self further .
With such an amazing and joyful experience , just being alife seems to be complete !
Just try to imagine how or what it feels every nano moment ! 
An ordinary everyday experience becomes unique , extraordinary and mindblowing !
This is how or why the WildOne is a free spirit !

Monday, November 25, 2013

Living in the Wild .

Living in the Wild .

I like living in the wild . Wild gives me a sense of adventure , excitment , romance , mystery
and even fear !
All the above elements empower me and enhance my life energies .
I am sort of forced to live in the present moment ! Living in the now is very refreshening 
and attentively focusing !
I am alert and yet not stressed as it happens in the tame setting !
I feel more of being than of doingness !
Being present in the moment and yet alert is strangely relaxing !
This sense of being present makes me more connected to myself and my surroundings .
Living in the wild is natural to our optimum wellbeing .
There is a wonderful interdependent and interlinked feeling that is humbly health !
Yes, we are always mindful of the uncertainity and unpredictability nature of life and living .
We respect everything around and never take anything for granted .
We have to be healthy to live in the wild . We must be able to chase and equally run from danger !
There is no place for lazy , sluggish and overweight people !
We simply and naturally live and become health oriented . 
It becomes our living culture . 
That was our natural heritage until we became tame and domesticated .
Yes, it brought much comfort , safety and easy living . It came with a price .
Now , we are easily bored , stressed , irritabilite and just eat as a pleasure .
It appears as progress yet somewhere deep inside we have lost our wild nature .

Saturday, November 23, 2013

What does it feel being wild .

How is the word Wild experienced .

Wild instantly brings an image of dangerous, raw, unknown , uncertain ,unpredictalbe nature of anythings.
On the other hand , Tame appears comfortable , friendly , not dangerous and okay to be around with .
I surely would like to keep away from a wild dog . I am okay with a tame dog .
I feel unsafe swimming in a wild flowing river . Swimming in a quiet tame river is fine with me .

Words acquire an image and we create a mindset or belief around words .
Once we get locked into a certain belief , it can become difficult to see beyond that belief .
It creates a baised or prejudiced opinion or view of things .
We go on automatic judgements and assumptions .

Of course , that saves time and we think we can protect ourselves with such assumptions .
However, it locks us in a certain form or thought pattern/structure .
That limits our reality !
We become convinced of our limited life experience .
We actually build a wall around us and get used to living in the so-called protective wall .
Unknown to us , the same wall that protects also becomes our self-created prison !

Coming to my usage of the word , Wild . I simply want to challenge myself and you to see
everything as it is in its original reality !
My original nature as it is . My real self as it is without all the trappings , beliefs and conditionings .
I have endless labels placed on me or covering me .
I am a boy. I am an Indian , Chinese, American or Christian , father , mother , wife , lawyer , and 
thousands of labels that i keep creating all the time .
Is that really me ?
Who or what is my natural or wild self ?

This are the real questions that I like to ask or find out .
Hence , the name WildOne !

I like to keep exploring and sharing my views and opinions with you .

Back from the Wild !

WildOne is back from the Wild ! 

We all need to connect to our Wild Self ! Wild as to native, natural or original self .
Our cultured or acquired self is what has been programmed since we came out
from the womb . We got tamed or domesticated to the ways of the culture in which
we were born into . We acquired that nature and slowly forget our wild self .
This acquired self is where we develop our character and personalty .

This personalty that is a programmed condition becomes our reality !
Infact ,that is the only reality most of us are aware off !
We all quietly accept this reality and create separate realities !
We believe in these separate realities and express them in all our
ways of living . We protect them , defend them and will fight till the
end to hold them as the only reality or truth that we know !

The WildOne has somehow found his wild self and realised how wonderful
and peaceful he feels ! Free from comparing , competative ways of the tamed
ones . They have been trained to struggle , suffer and strive . Infact , these are seen
as noble and rightous achievements ! Virtue in struggle and pain ! Keep swimming
upstream when the water flows downstream ! The tame ones practically see the world
upside down . It all appears normal and worth all their noble effort . They are always 
acquiring something or another . Their needs are never ending . That too is a clever ploy
of the tamers to keep us absorbed in our mindless activities to who knows to what end !

The WildOne has just come to enjoy the experience of being in this form ! That is the 
greatest joy and mystery that is beyond the awareness of the tame ones .
The WildOne sees every moment as unique and everything as a process that is ever 
unfolding to a magical blissful being !