Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The WildOne is a Free Spirit .

The WildOne is a Free Spirit .

We were all  born wild and free ! Born to experience life and living as it unfolds .
WildOne is a free spirit who simply wants to explore , expand , express and experience
everything with an open mind .
WildOne has only one agenda !
To experience life passionately and joyfully .
The Wild One has experienced that if one becomes quiet and still from within , a whole
new magical and mysterious world opens !
Life and living starts to be ' Felt ' !
This felt feelings are experienced as blissful and blessful always !
A sense of joy and happiness of an unearthly nature !
The WildOne can feel that the Body/Mind aspect is ever changing yet at some deeper or 
outer dimension there is a sense of  changeless awareness that seems timeless and also
spaceless !!
The experience of living becomes aware of a sense being ! It's more like beingness ! 
Everything  within and without  is just expressing itself as a process !!
At this stage words are not very helpful ! Thoughts too appear helpless !
One just feels ! Even the sense of one becomes blurred !

Today, the WildOne has decided to share his wild self further .
With such an amazing and joyful experience , just being alife seems to be complete !
Just try to imagine how or what it feels every nano moment ! 
An ordinary everyday experience becomes unique , extraordinary and mindblowing !
This is how or why the WildOne is a free spirit !

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