Wednesday, July 2, 2014

So , It is My Birthday Today ?!

So , It is My Birthday Today ?!

Yes , it is my birthday today !
What am I to say to you about this word and meaning ?
I can just shut my mind and accept this word as most in the world are doing !
But , then I refuse to accept that I am of this world !!
I just cannot understand how to act or react to this word !
Why Am I making such a fuss about a simple word and day ?!
Why not just be quiet and go along as the people ?! 
There lies the issue !!
That is the real issue and problem that we all face everyday !
Today , I given in , tomorrow I also give in and before long I am lost !
That is how we loose our sense of who we are !
It started a very long time ago !
I just want to be me !! 
Me is not of this ever changing body or even mind !!
I am always and ever aware of my sense of Being !!
The closest that I can accept is that on this day and date I was able to really start my experience here in the physical body and world !
That has been awesome ever since !
Even as I sit here sharing my thoughts and feelings with you all , I am feeling so wonderful !
I even went to the mirror and made a few monkey faces and had a good hearty laugh !
I kept staring at the mirror and was so amused that even today , no one really knows me !

ll that we see of each other is the physical body and we all take that to be us !!
So sad , amusing and even funny !
The closest is when we look at each other in the eyes !!
Even then we just look and have no clue of the best that we are !
I feel so excited , happy and joyful sharing myself with you ! 
You too are just as I Am !! 
We are all so amazingly wonderful and awesome Beings of Light and Love !
Love you all !
Birth is a strange term that we have accepted so easily without any thought or examination !
What about my experience being in my mother's womb ?!
Was I dead there that I am born here ?!
Will I be dead here and be born elsewhere ?!
Birth and death are just two words that we are holding without thinking or exploring further !
I have never felt better as I am feeling Now !!
I have always been feeling wonderfully happy !
It has nothing to do with my so called worldly situations or dramas !
That is just amazingly wonderful ! 
So , today is my birthday ! I will celebrate just being me ever more !
I will express and expand my feelings of love to all beings !
Love is our true nature ! It is love always in our experience !
We just display that wonderful love in so many strange and funny ways !!
Often in rather painful and destructive ways ! It is still love , however !!
Step out of such ways and reclaim your true nature ?!
Love you as always !
Take care .

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