Friday, December 18, 2015

Just Living and Being Mindful .

                               Just Living and Being Mindful .

It is still dark in my bedroom . I am awake . I switch on the light by the side of my bed . I keep lying .
I open my eyes and watch . I am aware of the familiar objects in my bedroom . I watch my hand that is lying on the pillow . I move my fingers . I keep moving my eyes around watching the objects . 

Now I am wondering who or what is watching ! Then I also wonder that I am lying in the same bedroom and yet I am awakening to a whole new time and space !
A part of me feels that everything is the same and yet a part of me is feeling that nothing is the same !
I keep lying still and wondering . Just being aware of being aware or present has a strange effect on me .
It may appear that the things or objects are the same and even my body appears the same , yet something is not the same .
I become aware of being present in an ever changing time !
What does it mean ?
I get up or see my body getting up . Who is seeing the body ?
Who is this ' I ' ?
Going to the mirror , I keep looking at my face and body . I keep watching my eyes .
I am still wondering who or what is looking or watching !
A part says that it is me who is called Amar and with that identity comes a known entity that I know .
On the other hand , there is something new and unknown that is just being in the present now . 
It is fully able to experience but without any identity or labels . 
It is seeing everything there is to see and yet a feeling of change is happening constantly .
It feels like everything around is flowing !
Life appears to flow constantly .
I have been watching or witnessing this experience constantly .
I am able to live and function in my daily activities by just switching to my identity as Amar and all 
is okay .
Then I become aware of my beingness and that is very fresh , peaceful and feels contended .
I am just sharing with humbleness . 
Enjoy life fully .
Take care. Love . Namaste. Amar.