Friday, July 11, 2014

Understanding Spirituality through a Computer Science Perspective !

Spirituality through a Computer Science Perspective !

Sky was clear . Not a cloud to be seen . The sun was up and shining in it's full glory.
The fields were all around and as far as my eyes could see . This were the plains of Punjab .
I was just walking with a few of my relatives from the village . They were simple but kind and friendly people . I was their relative who came from across the seas . They were fascinated with my little gadgets and electronic stuff .
This is a simple story from my life that goes back about 50 years ! That is a long time ago !
I had brought a simple Transistor Radio and was carrying along on my walk . The music from the radio station was in full swing . We were all enjoying our walk in the wheat fields .
As we sat near a well that was bring out water using a camel to turn the wheel that was connected to a chain of buckets that brought the water from the deep well . It was an old traditional way .
I was just so happy to see the lifestyle of my people .
A young boy sat and kept looking at my Transistor Radio . He appeared so fascinated . He looked at me and asked how was the music and all the talking going on inside that small box ? He actually asked if there were little people inside the box ?!!
I was shocked but fascinated by his simple question .
Being a science student , I some how understood  the physics of radio waves , frequencies and other simple electronic stuff . The big radio valves were being replaced by this tiny transistors !
Now , how was I going to explain the ideas and concepts to this science to this wonderful young boy !
It was a real challenge for me share my knowledge with someone who had no idea or concept of the wonder of science and physics !
That was a very long time ago !
Today , as I am equally excited to share more knowledge of another science , the challenge is just as great !!
Spiritual science or metaphysics is knowledge about our human nature and beyond .
The hard ware that I am talking about is the physical human body . The soft ware are the programs that that are loaded into this hard ware !
If we compare the human body and the modern computer , we can understand the mystery and magic of how life and all the lifestyle differences that we humans are having across the planet Earth .
The human body is the same all across the planet . That little superficial colour from the skin is just like paint on the hard ware ! That's all ! However , we have made that into a great fuss and mess across the planet ! What a strange and weird way of thinking ! White , black , brown and yellow are just skin colours ! But , look at the madness created around this little difference ?!!

The bones , organs , blood and all other structure is the same !! 
Now , that is only the hard ware !
Now comes the biggie !!
The soft ware is just a program that is feed , loaded into the human body !
The program like any PC program is just that !!
Whatever you feed or download into the mind is what you will start expressing !!
That is all !! 
GIGO !!! ( Garbage In , Garbage Out ! ) 
It is that easy and simple !! 
Can it get any easier ! Hello  my dear wonderful people ! That is how or who we are !!!
Programmed Beings ! 
All our so called ideas , concepts and knowledge is so very similar to the programs !
Change your thoughts and change your life !! 
My way is better then your way ! My this or my that ! Everything that we are is just that !!
Now try to see and understand this big confusion that we have got into !!
How will one program understand another program ?! A real challenge !
Of course , what I am sharing is a very simplistic model of a system that is a very ,very complex
system !
It is too huge a topic for my blog ! Anyway , that is not my aim too !
I simply want to highlight a simple fact . Our programs are our best friends and our worst enemies !!
Now you can see and decide how you want to go on and play you life out !!
The hard ware will age and finally crumple ! The soft wares can be programmed again and again into my bodies !!
The game goes on !
As the programmers go on changing , so will the programs ! You can see that easily !
Now that is our culture and our great so called civilisation !
I am sure you can understand this concept as you are all knowledgeable and learned !!
I will end my sharing for now !
Take care. Love.

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