Saturday, November 23, 2013

What does it feel being wild .

How is the word Wild experienced .

Wild instantly brings an image of dangerous, raw, unknown , uncertain ,unpredictalbe nature of anythings.
On the other hand , Tame appears comfortable , friendly , not dangerous and okay to be around with .
I surely would like to keep away from a wild dog . I am okay with a tame dog .
I feel unsafe swimming in a wild flowing river . Swimming in a quiet tame river is fine with me .

Words acquire an image and we create a mindset or belief around words .
Once we get locked into a certain belief , it can become difficult to see beyond that belief .
It creates a baised or prejudiced opinion or view of things .
We go on automatic judgements and assumptions .

Of course , that saves time and we think we can protect ourselves with such assumptions .
However, it locks us in a certain form or thought pattern/structure .
That limits our reality !
We become convinced of our limited life experience .
We actually build a wall around us and get used to living in the so-called protective wall .
Unknown to us , the same wall that protects also becomes our self-created prison !

Coming to my usage of the word , Wild . I simply want to challenge myself and you to see
everything as it is in its original reality !
My original nature as it is . My real self as it is without all the trappings , beliefs and conditionings .
I have endless labels placed on me or covering me .
I am a boy. I am an Indian , Chinese, American or Christian , father , mother , wife , lawyer , and 
thousands of labels that i keep creating all the time .
Is that really me ?
Who or what is my natural or wild self ?

This are the real questions that I like to ask or find out .
Hence , the name WildOne !

I like to keep exploring and sharing my views and opinions with you .

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