Thursday, June 26, 2014

Growing Years : Fun and Funny Days !

Growing Years : Fun and Funny Days !

My growing years are just so wonderful and amazing !
That is how growing should be to live a full life !
I was so full of life !
From early morning till bed time , it was fun , run and more fun !
I was so full of energy ! 
If my mother was upset for any reason with me ( there were so many reason to be upset with me ! )
she found it difficult to punish me !!
When she threatened to hit me with whatever came her way , I would run for my dear life !!
If you can catch me , you can hit me ! ( hitting or punishing was the norm in those days ! The rod was used for whatever reason  and reasons were many ! )
Basically , I was full of pranks and labelled a naughty fella ! 
What choice did I have ??!!
If left to the choice of grown ups , I would have become a living dead or a walking dead !
Cannot do this , cannot do that !!
Come back home in time , otherwise somebody is going to get hurt !
Discipline , threats , control and more control !
I understand they meant well ! 
My mother was the whole army !
The funny thing is that after sometime you just get used or immune to all these threats and punishments !
I will share an example ; Mother has given a clear message that I should be home from play by 7 pm.
Not a minute later !
Coming home at 7:10 pm means punishment awaits me . So , I accept that calmly .
The next day , I thought , what if I came at 8 pm ?!
Yes , I will get punished for sure , but I really had a good day!
So what !! 
When I behaved in such silly and frustrating ways , my poor mother was really mad !
She caught me , while I jumped like some lunatic ape !
She took whatever came in her hand and started hitting me !
I jumped about and then suddenly started to laugh loudly !!
She was shocked and asked what is so funny ?!
I calmly replied that I simply cannot be hurt !!
Further , she just cannot hit the real me as I am not of this body !
I remember telling that the body that she is hitting belongs to her but not me ?!!
Can you imagine her anger and frustration !!
So , I developed a wonderful relationship with my mother !
She could really frustrate me with her controlling style and I was simply not born to be controlled !
She had her rules and ways , so did I !
Yet , below all this game of life there was a very strong woman with some good values that I am always thankful for !
She was my first real Guru !
Always told me to stand up for my rights and to respect All humans as One !
Coming from India and that too from the rural villages , she always told me to look beyond race , religion , caste , country and all other labels given to people !
Can you imagine , that at my birth , she actually invited a Muslim woman living next door to be my Godmother ! She was born a Sikh , Punjabi ! A complete vegetarian from birth , a high caste woman with very high values of Hinduism and yet she invited a Muslim woman to bless me , her first born !
Later , she always encouraged me to eat and share my food with all people of all races and caste !
That was way back in the 1950's !
She would daily read to me the Great Epics of India ! The Mahabharata and The Ramayana !
Also countless stories of the countless saints , gurus and other great people of character !
I grew up filling so at home with Lord Rama and Sita , enjoyed the adventures of Lord Krishna !
Although , I was born in Malaya , living in the hills and jungles there , my thoughts were in the different Yugas of the Great Bharat ( an old name for India ! )

Finally , when I had cornered her about the ever mysterious and formless God , she had to admit that
she had not seen god , but was very sure He existed in the Formless state and could take any form !
She had heard and experienced that her people in the villages in India actually lived and shared their lives with such gods !
She told me that her grandmother, aunties and other family members were always one with the gods !
They lived in complete harmony with them while in human form !
At the time of the so called death , the gods always came to inform them that their time had come to leave this human form !!!
They were told to get ready to let go of this life and go to the higher life beyond this human form !!
Her relatives or family then got ready , said their good byes and sat all ready , now waiting for the gods to come and take them Home !
Wow !! You all must be thinking , I am now going very weird and telling you fairy tales !!
The gods came ( I am using small letters for gods because I am referring to Beings of a higher plane that had a form ! I am not talking of The God !! )
My sharing of my life story is like another epic from the times beyond !
Living an ordinary life in a simple average household , yet the experience was extraordinary !
It was like gods had decided to live in human form !!
My own maternal grandmother ,living in the village died in a similar way !
She told her family that the gods have told her that they will come to take her Home in 3 days 1
She must get ready and take leave from her family and say her good byes !
Having done that , she sat quietly and waited for them to come !!
They came and took her away !!!!
I have to stop here as I am sure , I have blown your mind and sense of reality away !!
At this juncture , the choice you have to make is very simple !
I will help you !
Either you are convinced and believe my story or you do not ?!!
If you are convinced of my truth or reality , then please continue reading my blogs !
Otherwise read them as fiction or have fun from a cranky character or just do whatever pleases you !
I say that so straight forwardly or as they say , frankly , because I have lived enough and seen enough how people react !
As I use to share my stories in my younger days , I was so often labelled so many funny names !
That was then ! I kept my stories to myself for a very long time !
Now , I am sharing with you , so you can decide !
I cannot be offended any more !
There is no 'I ' to get offended !!
Will stop here for now .
Thank you . Take care .
Love you .

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