Monday, June 23, 2014

Time for a Chat !

Time for a Chat !

Can we have a chat ?
You have been reading my blog and I really appreciate that !
Thank you .
Now , my good reason for a chat is to ask you my dear friend , are you finding
my writings useful or helpful ?
I am writing or sharing my experience of living so it can be meaningful and helpful !
What other reason do I have ?!!
I have spent most of my life thinking and wondering about how and why of life and living .
It is a most amazing and fascinating learning !
After all it is about us !
Here we live as though we are going to live forever !!
As though we are permanent residents on this planet !
An uncertain , unpredictabile life where we have no idea what can happen the next moment !
Yet , we seem to live in a make belief or some kind of denial !
The rich are going hording as much as they can ! what are they thinking ?!
The people who have power are doing this same !
What are they doing that for ?
Have they got some secret that I don't know ?!
Is it the way of fear ?
Are this not things that make you wonder ?
I am growing ,am becoming older , will and can become ill and will eventually pass away !
That is the reality and a fact of life !
Do I need to get worried ?
How will that be useful or helpful ?
We understand reality , face it with a clear mind and live life fully and joyfully now !!
Now is the only reality that we can call real !
If we see things from that perspective , our way of living will change completely !
We will enjoy more , love more and value everybody and everything more , yet will see no need or reason to cling to it or anyone !
We will realise the magic and mystery of living in the now !
That is the only real place we have ! Now !!
I think that is enough for now !
Take care . Love.

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