Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why do I become sad on some days ?!

Why Do I Become Sad On Some Days ?!

Some days , when I get up I am feeling sad and a sense of hopelessness and helplessness !
Why do I feel that ? 
It is nothing to do with me or my personal life or living condition ! I have come to accept my life as a wonderful , magical and mysterious . I also have accepted that this body/mind is ever changing and are just tools or devices through which I can experience life and living . As to what is reality is any body's guess or game . As long as the mind can churn out thoughts , I will keep having endless thoughts about everything . What does it matter !
As to my feelings of being sad ? 
I keep thinking of this planet and the 7 Billion odd people living here. I can understand that the basics of living are not that far fetched or difficult ! 
We all on this planet can easily be provided with a decent meal , some clothes and a simple comfortable shelter . That is the very basic and essential that should be given to or provided by the so-called care takers call them what you like !
We Have Failed Miserably Even In That Basic Essential Need !!
Thousands of children and people are hungry in the world ! Thousands are actually dying because of food and drinking water !
Thousand more are living in such extreme poverty that is is unbelievable . No shelters , homeless .
Than we have some so -called conflicts where billions of dollars are spent .
In a world of 7 billion people , a hand full of people have been given so much of power that it is just difficult to comprehend . Even if I put 0.1 % of people as leaders , rich , powerful , elite or whatever status or category , it is just unbelievable that the 99.99% are at the wimps and fancies of this 0.1 % who have no sense of understanding or experiencing what the rest of the human race is living through !!
I am sad because we have the means to bring that balance of giving or providing the basics , yet it will not happen because we have no will or such desire whatsoever !! 
It does not matter what colour is your skin . It does not matter what race , religion , culture or nation you are from . It is the same !
We have trapped ourselves in our own minds !! The mind which is our wonderful tool , device to function here on this planet , has become our boss ! We have enslaved ourselves .
That is the reason , I sometimes feel sad !
I am typing away , but my mind is numb ! I see my thoughts pouring out but they too look tired !

I am going to stop as I   have no energy or urge to go on !
Need to just go into myself and be !
Till we meet again , take care .

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