Monday, February 10, 2014

There Must Be Another Way !

There Must Be Another Way !

I am just fascinated with everything about me and all that is around me ! I know that, there is another way to experience life and living . I am living in a society . I watch and observe people around . I notice what is always keeping people occupied in their day to day living . Their concerns , worries and anxieties . Their fears about everything , especially the future . Then , they are still very concerned or thinking of the past ! I wonder why ?!
I don't have to be genius to notice that how most of us are living a life of constant stress , especially in urban areas . We are always fussing about this or that ! There is just not enough of whatever we want! We are always wanting more . We are always expecting much . There is a sense of not being satisfied with our life and living .
Why do we live like this ? Why do we think like this ? Why ??
We are actually living in a very strange world . Everyday comes and we run around rushing doing this or that and the day is over . The next day , it is the same drama again ! This drama goes on and on everyday into years and than decades !! Doing the same routines like some robotic creatures .
Most of us are so disconnected with our own selves . Zombie like existence , where nothing real moves us ! We have social friends , social networks , clubs , and do many activities in a trance like state !
The rich are busy getting richer materially . The people chasing paper qualifications are busy collecting more papers and strings of words behind their names . They are doing and doing all their lives without stepping back to take stock of what does it means to do all this doings !
From birth till the end , we have been given a big bluff about life and living . Why ?
What do we really own here ? Nothing in reality yet it is okay to use what we think we need.
Go to schools and they to are busy pushing all sorts of facts into our mind .
I have yet to see if anyone will teach me some simple ways to be happy , to be contented , to be satisfied , to be joyful , to be peaceful , compassionate , kind in an uncertain and unpredictable
life !!
Of course , all the above is known to us from many sources . That is not the primary focus !
Our focus is on living to make a living gainfully ! What is gainfully ? Mostly in material terms !
Even the world economy and all governing political and others systems are converting us into Consumer Beings !
We are only useful to the system if we consumer ! Spend and that will turn the economy around or round !
The great GDP is all created around goods and services !
If we go for a quiet picnic with friends and family with some home-made food and fruits or veges from our backyard , than we are not contributing towards the GDP !
If I can find joy in just sitting and seeing the river flowing , the birds, butterflies and nature in it's fullness or going for long walks along a mountain path or along a beach , it is seen as unproductive !
We are Consumer Beings to be Productive !
Just being to feel the very essence of life in me is not seen very useful !
My another way is living and feeling like I have never lived before !! Each time a have a simple glass of water when I am really thirsty, it is an experience like never before ! As the water is going down my throat and passing from my mouth , there is a feeling of joyful satisfaction in so many levels of my awareness ! A glass of water when thirsty is awesome !
Just walking and feeling my body , the legs , feet , my swinging arms and how my body is able to balance itself is so much of fun and wonderment ! Just watching and studying my body and body parts is amazing . Extending my fingers and closing them in a fist is wonderful . The way my thumb moves and connects to my other fingers is magical . Our body is really the most amazing thing we have and yet we seldom admire it's miracle and magical nature .
My other way , is being mindful of everything that is and is going on within and without !
The Ecstasy of just Being ! Just Being is so fulfilling and joyful ! Happiness is Being !

We are Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience !
Do I need to say more !
Will stop here today.
Till we meet again , take care . Love.

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