Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Only Space Worth Understanding !

The Only Space Worth Understanding !

I want to share this wonderful and marvelous experience with you today . Whenever there is a stimulus of any sort that we perceive , we first have to become aware and register that stimulus at a conscious level . After that only we are able to response to that stimulus !
Between the stimulus and the response there is a space !
 Now, most of us are so rushed to respond immediately that we are mostly unaware of that space ! That space is the only magical and mysterious space that can alter , change or transform us completely . 
When a stimulus is perceived , we usually respond back immediately without thinking or we respond back from our habitual beliefs and thoughts that can do more harm than good .
If we can hold the incoming  stimulus and let them settle down in our space , and give it some time .
We can and have the right to examine , ponder , even think ,before we respond ! That time in the space is where we can transform !
Instead of responding in a rush from our habits , we can enjoy to see or examine the stimulus . We can see how that space that we have is able to give us an understanding that is so wonderful . 
As an example , I see or hear something about that or this person , or I hear something about me .
Now , instead of rushing off to respond without any thinking or from the old patterns , I give myself some time to reflect . In that space and time of reflection , I realise that I have many choices that I can choose to respond ! 
As you become more aware of this space , it will keep expanding within you ! This so-called seemingly empty space is mysteriously full of possibilities ! When you give yourself the permission or time to reflect in this space , a whole new expression and experience is seen .
You can give it any name , but , just be aware that there is this space that is real .
This is the same space where Now lives ! Being ever present in the now is the same as being in the space . 
First become aware of the space , than enjoy being there , start to see the possibilities in the space . Now , become aware or mindful that you can and do have choices about everything ! Now you can create yourself or mould your feelings and thoughts like an artist !
This space is where all the wise Humans went to , to become what they became ! This space is not in the caves , mountains , forest or some physical place . It is always within you !

As is said by almost all , ' the temple is within you ! '
I will leave you to reflect and ponder on this space .
Till we meet again . Take care . Love.

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