Friday, January 10, 2014

Being in the Presence of Now !

Being in the Presence of Now !

Just being aware of being in the moment , mysteriously dissolves all sense of identity to any form !
Just being aware of being and feeling the very essence of 'something ' called life , living , me , I ,this ,that , why , what , how , all seem to dissolve into no-thing , suchness or is-ness .
Just being aware of being , creates a sense of wonder , awe , magic , and feeling of a connection to All that is !
Just being aware of being is All that is ! No needs , desires , wants , answers , questions  or any other quest ! 
All just is as it is !
There is a wonderful ,peaceful . joyful , calming and happy presence beyond the world of words and thoughts !
One just enjoys a sense of blissful beingness with no need of whatsoever !
There is no ' me ' or ' I ', I that wants this or needs that ! 
There only is ! 
Even the word ' is ' means nothing whatsoever ! It's a way or expressing to something .
Words are gentle pointers to that , that is !!
Being in the presence of Now is an experience . 
This experiential experience is a felt presence where words and language are left far behind !
To share or to express to others can be challenging . 
On one level just being still and silence is all that one is .
Than being human and living as a social being , a sense to share arises .
To share is to feel the connection and loving  with All .
Just to sit still and smile is good too . Better is to share the goodness that arises.
The best is that the very sense of peace and joy can bring some change to the space around which you are ! 
The energy is different . Even insects behave different ! People become quiet and calm if they are restless or agitated . 
Anyway , today my topic is just to share the experience of being in the Presence of Now .
I hope it has been useful .
Til we meet again , take care .
Namaste .

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