Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Inner Reality .

The Inner Reality.

I was reading a post by+ Sania Anand ,  where she was sharing this wonderful quote .
If an egg is broken by outside force , life ends . If broken by inside force , life begins !
That really got me thinking ! Yes, all great and really original stuff comes from within !
All reality is an inner perspective !
Really alchemy is from within which is our Source connectivity !
What a wonderful joy to know that we are All connected to the Source within !
I really mean All !
However, almost all are searching and seeking from the external world !
We are so external oriented that we run all over the world desperately looking for
the mystery of life and everything and yet , time and again the really meaningful 
answers always come from within us !
Almost all great sages, masters , prophets and anyone of some lofty standing always
point towards the inner reality .
I still remember so clearly as a child when I read the Gospel by St Luke .
He clearly writes that Christ saying : The Kingdom of God is Within !
Seek and the door shall/will open ! 
That was a mystery to my child mind, yet I also realised that there was always an 
inner joy within me ! I saw the wonderful world and people and felt love and happiness .
I loved everything and was so pleased . I actually thought or believed that love was an
outer magic that I had to seek , chase or get .
When it dawned on me that everything came from within , I was so utterly surprised
and pleased that I actually felt like a real billionaire !
I walked with my chest out and still do !! Hahaha .
I told people around that I am the King of Love !
I am no beggar who need to beg for love !
I actually shower, express , share and give love !
When you come to that realisation that everything is love , you are
now walking in heaven !
When I love myself and know that all is within , than everything changes .
I love  as a flower gives out it's fragance ! That is the very nature of the flower.
Love simply is my real nature ! I love you as a form of expression . I love you to share myself with you .
I want you to also love yourself and be you . Thats the real wonderful relationship that flowers !
All else is on shaky grounds and will slowly turn sour or boring .
It simply is not true and natural .
No one can go on being pressured and forced into loving someone !
It must come from within . That's true love !
So , the real and true things are within .
When you love someone without any expectations or needs , it is so liberating and free .
No demands , no expectations and no wants !
Just be and allow the other to be too .
What is the fuss about ?! After all everything is love and loving anyway !
When you love yourself completely and fully , there is no way you will feel empty .
You are so full of love that it is just pouring or flowing always .
Will stop now . You need rest with so much to take in and I am aware of over feeding you !
Till you digest take care and Yes, I love you All !

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