Thursday, December 12, 2013

Having a Human Experience !

How does a Spiritual Being experience Being Human !

We are all Spiritual Beings who have come to this Human form to experience life as an ever
changing form !
What I observe is that we have got it the other way around !
Mostly , every one is struggling to become Spiritual in one form or another !
Our original nature is Spiritual and will always remain so !
We are never born and we will never die !
This terms are simply too strong !
Once we can understand or comprehend our true/real nature , than everything takes on 
a very different colour ! 
Than being Human becomes the most fascinating and wonderful adventure !
Everything and every moment is absolutely mindblowing !
I just want to laugh and dance at my mind tries to understand me !
I ( in reality there is no such thing ! ) am beyond Time/Space !
Mind is limited in both Time/Space concept .
That is the very nature of  form .
Form be it physical or sublte has a structure . Structure becomes limited .
I as Formless is non structured and cannot be trapped in Time/Space context .
I as Formless enjoys becoming form to express, extend and experience Itself !
The real truth is that the Formless and the Everchanging Form are always One and Ever connected !!
Once we can become aware of that , than all the confusion is over !
Rest of eveything , be it living or dying becomes fun time !
Time to stop as the physical body needs to rest !
I can go on for ever !! HaHaha .

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