Sunday, December 29, 2013

Awareness : Ordinary Life into Extraordinary Experience

Awareness : Ordinary Life into Extraordinary Experience !

Today , I am going to touch on this marvelous wonder of experiencing awareness !
When I become aware of the ever presence of awareness as that which allows , holds , contains all that is , that was , and that will be , than , a quantum shift has taken place within me !
That shift has turned my ordinary life and living into an extraordinary experience ! Instead of experiencing things in parts , everything is seen as a whole ! The words that come to me are indeed strange and rather uncomfortable to say the least . you will see for your self and make your own judgement or form an opinion . 
Instead of having a limited sense of experience , I am now all that is ! I am light and darkness ! I am life and death and more ! The ' I Am ' is the space that contains all , all the time and always .
All ever changing forms are within the Changeless Formless !
What ever happens or does not happen is within the ever present nothingness !
Even as I am typing the above words , I feel very uncomfortable as to what and where I am placing myself ! This is not a new situation for me . I have been leading my life since a very long time as an outsider . Meaning that I always seem to be standing at the fringe of everyday living .
I am aware that our habit of identifying with this and not that creates limits , borders and imbalance .
If I cling to life and not to death , then automatically I create imbalance , insecurity , incompleteness and neediness !
These conditions of lack and need create stress , strain and fear !
Fear always comes from lack , incomplete and need ! 
If I an satisfied , contended and feel a sense of completeness in all states of living and dying , then where is fear ?!
I am absolutely joyful in all states of being.
The terms life and death are just man-made words that have created a fragmentation or separation of everything when there is no such experience .
When am I dying or living ??
Where is the boundary , demarcation or any line of separation ?
In reality there is no such distinction at all !
Ever moment , ( if there is such a state ! ) dying and living happens ! It happens instantly and spontaneously .In fact , within this process the game of life , death and creation ceases to be .
the flow of life can only take place in the very process of change ( another term for life and death !)
The child in me must allow the youth to manifest ! If the child refuses to go , then how will the youth come forward !
If the youth does not leave the stage , the adult cannot come !
Night must allow day to come ! 
This wonderful magic of change is is the most awesome wonder of creation !
In awareness , all is changing all the time .
Awareness like space accepts all changes without any reason . Change happens above and beyond all reasons .
Change is the only constant reality .
In the back of changeless awareness , change is happening consistently and constantly !
Just as a screen remains constant as the projection of the movie changes always yet nothing effects the screen .
Nothing happens to space in a similar manner .
Phew ! I have really thrown myself into the deep !
You have a simply choice ?
Read it or reject it ! 
Thank you for having the patience to read through .
Till we meet again . Amar.

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