Thursday, September 4, 2014

Can I Really Help Anyone ?

Can I Really Help Anyone ?

Today , I want to share this topic with you .
Can I really help anyone ?
I have been in the helping business most of my life !
Added to that I have a personalty or character that simply goes out of the way to help or guide 
anyone .
After much thought , I think we really cannot help anyone !
Until and unless the people want to be helped or really want to change , we can do nothing .
Most people just become comfortable to sit around and enjoy the attention given to them .
They will go and attend some talks or go regularly to so called religious or spiritual talks .
They enjoy or feel good hearing those talks and look forward to more such talks !
They are not seriously listening to what is being expressed by those learned teachers .
If they are listening , then they are not making the needed effort to take some action .
We are all creatures of habits .
Further , we are addicted to certain patterns of behaving .
Both of these require some serious effort to change .
There are some beliefs that we have been holding for a long time , even if we are uncomfortable
with those beliefs .
It's about being comfortable in our comfort zone .
It's easy to go on living with the devil I know then go out looking for the unknown angel .
That is the way most of us are .
We keep repeating the same mistakes because we keep doing the same things or ways .
We have to get real if we really want to change for the better .
We simply cannot do the same things and expect change .
As strange as it may sound , people actually believe that they can change doing the same things !
Change must come from within !
One must feel the need to change .
It must mean something to them .
Otherwise it is just a futile exercise .
Just felt like sharing my thoughts today.
Take care. Love.

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