Friday, January 24, 2014

The Rules and Game of Nature !

The Rules and Games of Nature !

Let me share with you an experience I had sometime ago . 
I decided not to drive my car for about 3 weeks . I just felt like staying in my home and being in my own element ! Actually my own element means nothing much if you were to ask me ! Just more being and less doing ! With no agenda , no one to meet and no other desire or need to go out , I will do little things around my home . Do alittle cleaning , change bedsheets , wash my bathroom , vacuum the carpet and mostly just sitting , reading and listening to music ! Do I need to do even this ?! No ! I can easily ask someone to do that for me and in fact , they are more than willing to do this for ! No , thank you! I simply want my little private life in my home ! That is my home ! A place where I live on my terms !

Okay , coming to my idea of not driving my car for 3 weeks . While I thought it was a good idea , Nature had other plans of it's own !
There are big rats around my area . So big that even the cats just keep their distance from them ! They look like Ninja warriors and are very agile and smart . They mostly live in the dark under world ! Drains , sewage and other places that I wont want to go to !
Anyway , coming to car and the rats ! The rats became aware that my car was not moving and just lying there ideal ! They were searching or hoping to have a new home or a holiday resort of some sort! Whatever the reason or situation , the rats decided to get into my car engine . They found it a very cosy place and news quickly must have spread that it was a perfect place for a honeymoon ! Whichever couple or family that came to reside in my engine also had other plans . I am not sure who , but , they thought it would be a good idea to rearrangement my engine wires and petrol tubes and what not ! 
When I came to start my car engine , that is when I saw all the mess and the wires eaten and what not! I learned a big lesson with a heavy price too ! It cost me some money to get my car back to normal again !
The lesson I learnt was that Nature will respect you and allow you to live the way you like .
If you step away from things than Nature will step in to do what it has to do ! I have noticed that if I leave my home and go out for a holiday , all the insects will come out to take over my home ! The spiders will have a great time designing their webs all around ! The ants too will create pathways and walks all around the house ! The dust too feels that it can just be ! The whole aura is different when I am away . Nature knows that I am not using the place , so they use !
Don't laugh at my simplistic  explanations ! I have lived long enough to witness some of my kitchen truths ! I don't walk and I will not be able to use my legs as before ! Just try lying down for a few weeks and see if you can walk as before ? Muscles will grow if you use them ! Otherwise they atrophy and become wasted ! The Law is simple . Use It or Lose It !!
As we are also part of Nature , we too have to follow the same Law ! 
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog as much as I enjoyed typing my thoughts .
Take care . Till we meet again .

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