Friday, December 12, 2014

Identity becomes Your Reality !

Identity becomes Your Reality !

Have you ever wondered how identity actually becomes your reality ?!
When you identify with something you become that !
That something can be physical or even non physical !
Usually it is non physical in nature !
If you just think slowly and understand what is identity , you will start to see my point !
Identity is how you can see , feel or accept yourself as whatever you think you are .
I am a man . I am a doctor . I am a father . I am a Hindu . I am an Asian .
All the above labels or statements are my different identities !
We have many identities , some very strong and some not so !
When one is identified with a role , a skill or a position , it becomes all consuming .
All ones mental , psychic , physical  or any other form of energy is focused and fully in that identified form .
One feels , thinks and behaviour in that from .
If one is fully satisfied and is enjoying  ones identity , then that is the reality !
Nothing right or wrong in that . That is the way of life and living .
Now to go into an example to make a point in my identity issue .
Let me  give one example and show you what I am attempting to express .
Take the story of The Buddha .
He was a prince . A royal lifestyle  . All comforts and luxurious that one can have in the physical form .  As a human what more do one need to enjoy !
In such a full on and powerful identity  one should be completely enjoying  one's identity and role !
Yet , here he was not fully in his form or identity !
Always wondering , thinking and pondering what his life or identity means in the bigger scheme of things !
It shows that he was not living fully in his identity !
He had many doubts and questions about his life and role !
That made all the difference to his life .
He never felt one with his identity !
His reality was being questioned  by him and that lead to the legend of The Buddha !
Is identity  one's reality !
If you are happy and contented , then you will live in that reality !
If , you have doubts , then there is always a possibility for change or more to that reality .
Just take some time and ponder , what is reality or real ?
Is there one reality for all humans ?
Such questions are useful to awaken us from a belief system or conditions that we were programmed from birth.
If you are happy being whoever you are , then it is good and live your good life .
If you are always wondering and reflecting as to what is going on in your life , then you are going to enjoy the adventures of seeking your real nature .
Those who are sleeping and living a dream life , it is good.
Others who are slowly awakening , they are the ones wondering what is all this life about and do most feel a deeper sense of being empty or alone .
What if your reality or identity is beyond all forms ?
You are that is , was and will be . In other words you are a timeless being that is just pure awareness .
Is there such a possiblity ?
If one can have such a concept , then can that be a reality ?
Just take time to think , feel and reflect ?
Enjoy this wonderful life and living .
Take care. Love.

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