Thursday, January 23, 2014

Living Fully , Loving Freely !

Living Fully , Loving Freely !

Let me just express what I mean by living fully and loving freely .

Living fully is living on my terms ! For me living fully is also living my way ! It is doing what I feel like doing . If I feel like doing nothing , than so be it . Sometimes I think I should vacuum my living quarters , at other times I feel I just want to laze around and perhaps have coffee or maybe I want to read a book . I feel that I want to enjoy reading my favourite book as it makes me feel so happy and joyful ! Is that not what I am suppose to do to enjoy my life ?! Little things like that can bring joy to living ! 
As an ordinary simple person , I just like to live on my simple terms ! 
I have no desire to become a leader of any country , or have a need or desire to be famous ! I am not even wanting to be extremely wealth too !
I just want to be Me !
Being me is so satisfying and feels so wonderful and contented ! I think and feel I like myself ! What I mean , is that I really enjoy life and living in a most simple way ! I can just go about cleaning my bathroom or washing some clothes and I find that very satisfying ! Am I weird or some crazy guy ?
I don't think so . I have just become very Zen-like ! You can laugh if you want , it's okay with me !
I became aware that there is a hidden joy in just being simple ! Just being is really good enough for me! I have actually watched how my hands are rubbing or washing some plates after my meal . I find it very fascinating to say the least . My hands seem to know what to do ! They move about with a certain skill and purpose , all on some auto program ! 
Of course , I can give all sorts of learned words to these actions , but does it matter ! I am happy and peaceful ! Is that not what we all are trying to achieve ?! Contented , happy and peaceful !
As about myself , I am just me ! I am not the best , I am also not the worst . I am just perfect as I am !
I really don't need to prove myself to anyone . I am not important , or so important to even the some !
I just enjoy being me in a very ordinary way ! 
Even as I am sitting and typing this blog I am just enjoying doing it ! I feel like sharing and maybe knowing how others are living their life ?
By the way , I do think of all sorts of stuff . From the never-ending vast Universe that really blows my mind . How can I really make any sense of this infinity ! Just knowing there is infinity is wonderful . That gives the joy that anything and everything is possible ! I am amazed how easily we allow ourselves to be trapped in our petty , trivial and limitedness . If my thoughts can fly to infinity , than I can . My thoughts ,feeling and me are not separate ! They are all one ! I am not just bones , flesh and arms . I am not some statistic

number , name , race , religion or some role !
Yes , I enjoy being any role , as a son , a father , a brother , a husband , a doctor , a lover , a friend and so many more ! I enjoy my roles as equally as having no roles !
That is living fully and loving freely !
Thinking , learning , feeling and being . Making mistakes , correcting them , turning left or right . 
Live is truly for Living !
If live is truly for living , than loving freely is like breathing ! Without breath there is no live and without loving there is no living !
Living fully and loving freely is Life !
Thank you for reading through this slightly longish blog .
Take care till we meet again .
Enjoy life .


  1. Doctor, you have defined it so well.............what I am really seeking in my life.

  2. Yes , that is true ! We are all seeking our life here ! To find we don't have to go far ! Just go within ! Within is easy or we can really make it complicated ! Keep it simple ! Just seek and ask what do you really want ? Set back and be still or silent ! Slowly but surely the clouds will go and you will see the Sunshine of your Life ! Enjoy . Amar.
