Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How Come I Was Able To Know The Future ??!!

How Come I Was Able To Know The Future ??!!

Today , I want to share an experience I had about 40 plus years ago ! I did mention this event in one of my earlier blogs. I felt a need to share it again today , here !
It was December 1972 . I was a final year medical student studying in India. 
My father who was also a medical doctor , was working in Sarawak , one of the states of Malaysia .
Sarawak is in the island of Borneo .
My story begins one quiet early morning . I had the habit of getting up early to just sit quietly . Give it any name , but , it was a time to be still or silent . As far as I am concern , it is nothing strange or unusual . It was a wonderful way to enjoy being close to oneself ! A way to witness how or what thoughts and feelings are going on or passing in my mind screen .
Coming back to my experience . On that day, as I sat in my usual quiet place , I had a very strange and strong feeling that something ' bad ' is going to happen to my father !
I felt really miserable , frightened , lost , confused and wondering . I did not have any vision . I just felt like my inner sky became very dark !
I could not make an sense to my experience . I was in an Indian city separated from my father by about 5000 kilometres ! That was the age before mobile phones , Internet or any devices to connect or share anything fast. I could have used a telegram , but , it was costly for a simple student .
The distance between me and my father is just to highlight my point . I took the normal way and wrote a letter to my father , asking if all was okay with him ! Rather odd to ask or even do that for me. I had no reason to do that . There was no logic , rational or reasonable need to do that . Just a strong feeling .
My father replied that all was okay and that he was well ! The story or the matter should have stopped there .
Not for me ! Whenever , I sat , I felt the same dark , miserable feeling , always pointing towards my father ! I kept writing more letters to my father and his reply was always the same ! He kept insisting that he was healthy and okay.
My final year examination was in April 1973. 
This process kept going on for a few months . Meanwhile , my father was now in Kuala Lumpur ! I was wondering why ?! His reason was that he was on a long leave ! Unusual , but , that was his reason.
Discussed with my friends , class mates , lectures . They just advised me to study and forget about my feelings !
Here I was , where my feelings were pointing to one very specific person , my father . 
All , including my father told me to forget my feelings and concentrate on my coming exams.
What can I do ! Who do I turn to ? 
Finally , I took the bold and seen as crazy decision to just leave or run away from my college and come to see my father !! 
That move was totally out of my character ! That too at such an important and crucial time of my life and career !
I did leave my college one quiet night and flew back to Malaysia to see my father , just on my strong feelings that told me that my father was in danger or whatever.
As I came back and saw my father , he was able to now tell me the truth !
At 49 years old , my father was dying  of leukemia ! He found out around the time , when I started having those feelings in December 1972 ! 
My father died in June 1973 ! 
My point of writing this blog today is that how did that happen ?! 
I am a medical scientist ! Not easily taken by superstitions , beliefs or any weired thinking . 
I just want to share that there is so much that still not known by our learned scientist or other rational beings !
There is a much bigger side to our life and living that is worth opening our door to !
Please keep your options open to the possibilities that go beyond reason or logic !

I have no other desire to share my personal story , except to point that there is a beyond that is so much bigger and vast !
Thank you for reading my story. 
Till we meet again . Take care .

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