Friday, February 28, 2014

The Fun is in the Unknown !

The Fun is in the Unknown !

I got up feeling good about everything that is going on in my life !
When I say that everything is going good , it means that whatever is happening is  fine with me ! 
Things happen all the time in our lives . Some pleasant and some not .  The pleasant we  are happy to have and experience .  The unpleasant  becomes the challenge  ! 
The fun is in the unknown and that also means the future . Future need not be time . It can be  anything  that will happen in the next moment . While if the next moment is time , than so be it . To me , the happening is within the  Time / Space frame or structure .  That is where the challenge lies .
How do I react to  what is happening  ? 
That is the magical or wonderful  aspect of living . Whatever happens is going to happen . I may not have a say or choice in that . What I have is the space to ponder or think what to do now . That is the magical place that we all have ! That is one place we can all sit and think or feel before we decide to react . That is a very special and powerful space !
I love to be aware that I have that space to reflect and think before I decide . Not only that , I also have endless choices to choose from !! Now that is really the fun part . In any situation , I have countless choices ! Is that not cool . 
Again , it is quite simple to choose what we want or feel that we desire . Basically , we all want to be happy , contented and peaceful .  That seems easy or simple , yet we humans have really complicated a simple life so much , that it is really unbelievable ! 
It is common sense that we are all growing , developing , dying or just passing through life . There is nothing permanent or going to last forever in our life's . If that is true for all human beings , be it the richest , most powerful , most beautiful or whatever . That is one fact that we know and yet go on living as though we in some trance or in some denial ! If we are , than we are going to have a problem . If we do not accept reality , we will go on doing or living in a style or fashion that is false.
That false living or believing cannot bring joy , happiness and peace in our life .
If we get that right , than we are going to have fun !!
No fear , no worries , no anxiety , no depression and no need to even be negative at all !  That is already sounding like some kind of heaven . In fact , it is the concept of heaven that we have been creating with our limited mind .
Whatever I am sharing is not some far fetched idea or concept . It is simple understanding of what is going on in our life and reality . Becoming aware , I am wanting to live in the best way that I can .
I may want to work very hard to get plenty of money, but, I know that just doing that will not allow me to have other wonders and pleasures of living? At the cost of just chasing money , I may not be able to have so good times with my family , friends or relatives . I not be able to enjoy outings or picnics and laughter with anyone as I am too busy accumulating  money . Am I against money or material ? Of course not ! Material , money.  Comforts and all are great , but, they come often with a heavy price ! I am not happy to pay the heavy price .
 My joy or take on the idea of being happy and having fun in the unknown  is all based on the magical space that we all have within us ! It is in the wonderful space that we can and do keep creating all that we want or desire .  That is the reality of having fun in the unknown !
It is in the future that all possibilities and probabilities are possible . while living in the now , we are looking forward to the next moment and the next !
My point today is to  share this magic and mystery that we all have . To become aware to this reality and enjoy a true life and living that we all can and should !
I feel I have written enough for this blog .
Will end now . Till we meet again . Take care.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why do our Elected Managers Become our Bosses !

Why do our Elected Managers become our Bosses !!

I was just wondering that in a world of about 7 billion people we will probably have about 7 million people who we have selected to represent us or manager our affairs ! Somebody as to do that job to look after our day to day running of everything . 
When we were born , our parents did that for us !
Mostly fathers without any fuss went out looking to earn or bring home things so that we can be fed .
Mothers equally looked after homes and brought us up .
That is the way of the human species .
We are social species and have learnt to divide our work for the common good of all . 
We see that in all species that live by this social code .
The ants do that . The bees do that .The lions too do that . Just watch the elephants and you will get an idea how social species live .
We are made to share AND CARE !
Something has gone wrong with our human species ?!!
The order is breaking down or has broken done miserably !
Our elected or in some cases ruled by force kind of so-called managers have become our bosses !
They are up there not for your common good any more !
They are there to just look after their own affairs and needs !!
Something has gone wrong with our ways of being socially responsible to each other !
We have to be interdependent with each other or our very fabric of the social system will break or has broken down !
This will lead to chaos and destruction to our way of living !
Is our civilisation coming to a sad end ?!
Yes , we have progressed in some aspects and made some very big jumps  yet , we are becoming more and more disconnected emotionally !
We are all getting connected on the social media yet we are so isolated from each other in the same family !
We are all sitting together but busy chatting or surfing the net and having no emotional connection to the near and dear ones !
The leaders or people suppose to look after us are also so disconnected from us that they do not care what are our needs or concerns .

They sit in their ivory towers and palaces and know not the state of affairs of their people !
Then , they wonder why suddenly they are pulled out of their comfortable palaces and dragged into the gutter .
It is sad and pathetic to see some leaders being dragged in that fashion !
Why would the people do it ??!!
It is so simple ! When the managers fail us , we have no choice , but to do something !
Why could be hoodwinked and have been throughout the ages ! Today , we are getting connected and are coming to the realisation that something must be done !
Why would I keep sitting day in and day out punching away on the keyboard ?!
Why would I be doing or expressing my feelings to an audience that I have not met physically ?!
Because , we are all connected by a sense of space that is always within us and is US !!
I have written enough . Will meet again .
Take care . Love.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why do I become sad on some days ?!

Why Do I Become Sad On Some Days ?!

Some days , when I get up I am feeling sad and a sense of hopelessness and helplessness !
Why do I feel that ? 
It is nothing to do with me or my personal life or living condition ! I have come to accept my life as a wonderful , magical and mysterious . I also have accepted that this body/mind is ever changing and are just tools or devices through which I can experience life and living . As to what is reality is any body's guess or game . As long as the mind can churn out thoughts , I will keep having endless thoughts about everything . What does it matter !
As to my feelings of being sad ? 
I keep thinking of this planet and the 7 Billion odd people living here. I can understand that the basics of living are not that far fetched or difficult ! 
We all on this planet can easily be provided with a decent meal , some clothes and a simple comfortable shelter . That is the very basic and essential that should be given to or provided by the so-called care takers call them what you like !
We Have Failed Miserably Even In That Basic Essential Need !!
Thousands of children and people are hungry in the world ! Thousands are actually dying because of food and drinking water !
Thousand more are living in such extreme poverty that is is unbelievable . No shelters , homeless .
Than we have some so -called conflicts where billions of dollars are spent .
In a world of 7 billion people , a hand full of people have been given so much of power that it is just difficult to comprehend . Even if I put 0.1 % of people as leaders , rich , powerful , elite or whatever status or category , it is just unbelievable that the 99.99% are at the wimps and fancies of this 0.1 % who have no sense of understanding or experiencing what the rest of the human race is living through !!
I am sad because we have the means to bring that balance of giving or providing the basics , yet it will not happen because we have no will or such desire whatsoever !! 
It does not matter what colour is your skin . It does not matter what race , religion , culture or nation you are from . It is the same !
We have trapped ourselves in our own minds !! The mind which is our wonderful tool , device to function here on this planet , has become our boss ! We have enslaved ourselves .
That is the reason , I sometimes feel sad !
I am typing away , but my mind is numb ! I see my thoughts pouring out but they too look tired !

I am going to stop as I   have no energy or urge to go on !
Need to just go into myself and be !
Till we meet again , take care .

My Need To Write or Share My Life Experiences !

My Need To Write or Share My Life Experiences !

Today , as I sat in front of my PC , I asked myself why do I do this ? What is the reason or purpose of writing or sharing ?
As a very young boy , I was always fascinated by everything around me . I also saw and realised that most people were preoccupied with whatever they were doing . 
I seem to be detached or aloof from things around me ! I was really able to be involved yet a part of me was standing aside and watching the whole of life ! It was like seeing a movie . I was and even today watching or witness a movie about me and my life !
I kept wondering and got into the habit of writing whatever feelings or thoughts came . This journal style of writings or just rumblings of my mind became my way of expressing about my feelings and reflections . 
I never shared these writings as I felt they were my very personal thoughts . It might not interest anyone or I may simple be boring people with my views and opinions .
Occasionally , I did talk with some people and they always told me to share my thoughts and writings.
About 3 months ago on a flight to Sydney , Australia , I just out of the blue decided to share my thoughts by starting to blog .
So, here I am blogging away everyday !
What does it mean ?
Firstly as I type away my thoughts , I am sharing my personal view about whatever topic I am typing !
I like to think why we do what we do ! I like to question about ways of doing things , rituals and customs . Why do we do them ! What is the purpose in so many rituals and customs ? 
When we were living in comparative isolation from other cultures , we followed customs and rituals and even religions without questioning or doubting to their purpose or meaning !
What does it matter doing those customs or rituals ?
When I keep thinking and questioning , I am able to either go beyond them or completely transcend them ! Our growth , development and expansion are all dependent on the way we see and then think why we do them . If we don't think , we are simply following blindly and mindlessly !
That we are Thinking Beings that separate us from all other forms of life ,that has given us the upper edge . As we think we are able to go beyond some old thoughts based on superstitions , beliefs and tradition without knowing why ! 
They may appear sacred but if we don't question them , we will forever go on following them blindly .
Some of the old practices

are really very upsetting and even down right wrong , painful and goes against rational thinking .
As we are able to compare different peoples beliefs , customs and traditions , we are able to see aspects in our own life that is sometimes blind to us within the same culture .
This comparative studies are very useful towards opening our minds and  being free from these old , traditions that simply keep us bonded to them  .
Also by sharing we can start some discussions and by doing so we can see different views and angles to the same issues .
By sharing our experiences we can expand and grow further . Eventually , wisdom and maturity come from a healthy balance of these sharings .
I also feel that there are  experiences that could be helpful to others going through similar experiences. E.g , I have experienced death with my very near and dear ones . How I experienced that and how I was able to go beyond to become more matured about living .
Failures , is another example that we can share and understand how to also go beyond such failures and become even better in life .
So , typing blogs today is really useful and good expression of our life journey .
I will end now . Take care.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Always In A State Of Awe !

Always In A State Of  Awe !

Let me share with you why I am always in a state of awe ! If you just watch what is going on in the world of Humans , you too will be in a state of awe !
My state of awe is having some shades of other feelings too . There is surprise , shock , astonishment, wonder , delight and joy too .
We , as humans are just the most amazing creatures on this planet ! We have established that we are able to practically control the whole planet in many ways . Most other life forms are on one side and we on the other ! We have taken the stand that we are going to control everything and every other life form . We want to control all the elements . We want to go into the very structure of everything to see how it can be useful to us . 
In the process of discovery , research , investigation , analysis and other such complex methods to understand our planet , Universe and us , we have left no stone unturned !
Of course , there is benefits in our expansion , but it is coming with a very heavy price .
A basic simple food issue has become so complex and complicated . The massive food industry is way beyond any ones understanding today ! 
I may be a medical doctor , a nutritionist or other experts on food . The amount of information is just beyond us all ! As a medical doctor , we in reality know the least and yet claim that we know the most ! We get very basic information on our way to becoming a doctor , but soon we are giving out information as though we really know the depth of our vast field of nutrition ! 
We become experts by default ! 
I have read books on nutrition and am really baffled by the vast knowledge out there . 
There is a whole field on nutrition therapy . 
Let me share some of my own readings and findings : There is information about water that heals and water that can kill us faster ! Acidic water and Alkaline water . The pH of water matters. There is so much more to water that I will have to just write a few blogs on that alone !
Than we have fats that kill and fats that heal ! There is a book with that title that is very well written and fairly popular .
Our common salt too is controversial ! Common processed salt is very harmful to our systems . Sea salt in its natural state is really good for us ! 
Organic foods are now the new craze . 
We are so busy with our life's that we are always in a state of rush and stress . Monday blues and

Friday joys ! We work like there is no tomorrow ! We have targets to complete , projects to achieve and places to go ! We are on a real rush to get this or to get that . To prepare and set goals for our future ! Yet , we have absolutely forgotten about our only present now or the present moment !
Our cars are serviced better and regularly , yet we have no time to get a physical check up for our own selves !
We have more choice and options that we can make and yet again we run around with tunnel vision !
We have different labels for the same thing or outcome ! We all want to be happy and peaceful and live a good life .  Yet , we have made it so complicated that it has become a major problem to know what do we really want !!
So , you can see , why I am always awed with the many dramas of our life and living !
As I keep saying in most of my blogs , my one aim and  intention is just to give you a gentle jolt to get up and realise what we are doing and where we are going ?!
As I have expressed many times , you , my dear friends please feel free to comment and let me know if I am doing some useful sharing or just boring you ?!
I have been sitting with these thoughts all my life !! 
I have just started flowing ! 
Well end there and take care .
Till we meet again .
Good night .

Saturday, February 22, 2014

My Wisdom Comes From Death !

My Wisdom Comes From Death !

' I Die Daily ! '  The statement that I just wrote may appear disturbing to most or maybe annoying .
The above statement is actually taken from a close disciple of Jesus ! St John expressed this , ' I Die Daily ' more than nearly 2000 thousand years ago ! It is as relevant today as it was then , in the past .
This is the way of almost all mystics !
I die daily means in simple term , that , that person withdraws his mind or consciousness from the mundane or material world and goes into his/her inner world of the spirit .
There that are able to withdraw their consciousness from all the objects of form and their entanglement or attachment and free themselves to a pure spiritual realm !
This practice if done regularly can bring us to a state of awareness , where we become awaken to our true or real nature .
What is that true and real nature ?
We come to a realisation that our physical form is ever changing and will not last for too long .
There is another aspect or nature that is non physical and that does not change !
We come to the realisation that we are indeed spiritual beings !
We are able to enjoy our life here in the physical world , but are free from all the attachments , entanglements and identities that keep us bonded or trapped here.
We are like those ducks that are always swimming on water and yet able to fly away without any water on them ! Another example often used is about the yam yam leaf . Water just slides away from the leaf . This are simple examples used by Masters and Mystics to illustrate the simple concept of attachment to simple people .
Why is it important to have this wisdom ?
Nothing that important as compared to those who are unaware of this knowledge , except that those who understand this teachings or knowledge are able to have a live of peace and bliss !

At the end all people will pass away !
Some will live a life without much struggle and pain while others will have a life of endless pain and struggles !
It is a matter of choice !
As death is the only reality that none can escape , we have to sit calmly and understand death !
With understanding of death , we are able to get a better picture of our living and than set our  priorities .
We are able to have a balanced and fruitful life and living .
It is time to take my leave . Please , sit and reflect as it really makes a difference to living .
Have fun and enjoy .
Till we meet again . Love.

Friday, February 21, 2014

A Personal Journey of Reflections and Expansions !

A Personal Journey of Reflections and Expansions !

Today , I feel like sharing my own personal journey of reflections and expansions . One of my earliest traits was I was always wondering and literally wandering ! I was just very curious about everything and also why it was , as it was type of questions ! This kind of style , especially when you are young
and are being groomed to be obedient can cause problems for all ! I want reasons ! I want to understand why this and why that ! 
This kind of curious mind is easily labeled as being rebellious ! That is right as my mind was not going to be controlled easily . To be obedient means to surrender and summit to others without questioning
to any doubts ! It is like shutting of ones mind ! The only distinct and magical tool that we have that makes us different from all other living creatures . The most wonderful tool where we learn to think and feel ! The magical and mysterious tool will either make us to be creative or will destroy us !
So , as a young boy , I soon became aware that the price of freedom comes with a cost ! If I am told that I should do this or do that and I refuse or question that order , I will be punished in some form or another . The law of authority had started ! ' Mine was not to question why , mine was to do and die! '
This was the basic structure or pattern of parenting in the early 1950's for some parents who felt that sparing the rod means spoiling the child ! And yes , I got used to rods from the home to the schools of those times ! I was smart enough to see their pathetic need to control me for no other reason than to 
just tame me ! Taming simply means that I will obey without reasoning or questioning ! It also means that they will be spared the difficult task to struggle to answer my ever ending questions !
I could intuitively understand that and valued my intuition ! 
I knew my mother's worries and concerns . Basically she wanted a kind of robotic child who obeyed her rules which were extensions of the social structure of the society in which I lived . Follow that and all will be just perfect .
Of course , I had other plans . It was my time to explore , to search , to just wonder and to ponder what is the meaning of all that was happening around me . Why were the people being and doing what they did ! What is the very nature of creation ! This were big question for a small mind !
There were no computers in my youth. This is early pre-digital time .
I was really thirsty to know ! My curious nature was hungry . 
As there were little I could get from people around , I was fortunate to find a treasure house in a public library ! What a gift for a thirsty spirit like mine !
I will spend hours whenever I could find time . I was able to borrow books too ! Some of the books I borrowed were far beyond my so-called age ! I still remember borrowing books on philosophy and astronomy and wrapping them with old newspapers , least someone may see them and question me !
I will go far into the countryside and sit quietly under some tree and read these lofty subjects !
I just found them so very interesting and fascinating that just playing as other children did made no sense to me ! I found they plays too childish !
At the age of about 14 or 15 years , I was lost in the world of Light years , Galaxies , Relativity , Frequencies and Vibrations of all the universe !! 
I was so absolutely excited , confused and lost to the concept of infinity or an eternal universe !!
Even , as I type away my thoughts today , I am still as excited , lost and confused with infinity and eternity ! 
Somewhere deep within my intuition I have settled peacefully with that concept , but my mind is still baffled and unable to come to terms with a Creation that has no beginning and no end !! My limited mind cannot accept the unlimited !!
From this childhood beginnings , I started my journey of searching , seeking and reflecting in the mysteries of everything ! At the superficial level , I have manage to keep a front or mask and create a place in the social system ! At the deeper level , I am still the same fascinated and excited being who can still get lost in thoughts of Quantum Physics , Black Holes , The Big Bang and what was the nature of Creation before the Big Bang !! Dark Forces that can expand my mind . In the inner space , I extend myself into the Formless that can express in All Forms !! 

I sit in awe and wonderment thinking that what was I doing before I came to experience the human form ! I am equally excited to go on after this form crumples away, to explore the vast , never ending Universe for ever and ever !!!
I will end my blog today . 
Till we meet again , take care .

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Why Depression and What can We Do ?

Why Depression and What can We do ?

Today , I have to share one of the most difficult and often confusing aspect of our life and living . It is one behaviour that probably most of us humans will experience sometime in our life ! 
Depression is a major problem that we all will face . If , I were to write from the angle of some expert or professional , than it becomes a topic of professional ' interest ' !
To me , personally , this is a topic of human interest ! Even , the word interest does not sit well with me ! For the sake of expanding further , let me write how I think and feel now ! I placed a small simple quote today morning in my Google + . I just felt that it was an important topic that I have experienced in my personal life and as in my professional life .
It is a huge topic that has many views and angles to it . Physical , psychological , social , cultural , biochemical ,  religious , finanical , existential and more .......
I have seen the many methods and models for treatment of this mind blogging problem . From the chemical based where treatment is prescribing of medication for long periods in the belief and understanding that the brain chemicals that have gone off balance can be brought back to normal again . Added to that there was also suportive therapy or care from professionals , family and other importent signficant people in ones life .
There is religious angle too . Our belief systems play a very , very important role in how we view life or whatever meaning we give to life and living .
Now , coming to a simple question ! Why do we get depressed ? 
Are we , as humans prone to feeling depressed or even sad and moody ?
Do very young infants get depressed ? Are infants depressed in the womb ?!!
This are some of the areas that will or can throw some understanding to our  issue of feeling sad .
The one core reason that we all can feel upset , moody , sad , or depressed is when we are feeling or facing any issue , however petty or insignficant to others , that has a very important area of  value in our life . When we feel the value of that area threatened , lost or gone , we can become lost too ! Our very identity with that valued item or thought/feeling is so shaken or literally pulled out from below our feet ! Our very foundation of living and life can become blurred or darkened .
The meaning or reason and purpose is slipping away or is gone .
I have seen school children kill themselves over a petty school exam ! The fear placed on this young children and the expectation expected was out of proportion to the reality .
Reality is a very strange entity ! We all have separate realities and therefore very different outcomes and expectations too ! I knew a multimillion who was depressed and would even hide under his bed to get ride of his fear  and depression . I once asked how much he lost in the share market ? He gave me a figure of a few millions ! I had no idea what a million was ! Than I asked if he had any money left ? He replied that he still had a few more millions ! Well that was his realities and it made sense .
On the other hand , I also knew another woman who was married to  an alcoholic who was not working much and yet  had given half a dozen children to this poor , struggling women . She had to do some petty jobs to feed her children and provide for all , including the good for nothing husband! He will come late in the night after drinking and will demand food , sex and all whatever comforts from this poor miserable woman . She was regularly beaten , abused , even humilated to the extent of being peed on !! If that is not a living hell , than what is ?!
She too was depressed and lived and survived in her reality !!
Today , I will only write a little to share the painful area of human misery and depression .
In all the big drama , the one thing that I found constant with all the people was that their status made litle different  if they were rich , poor , famous or whatever , but they All responded to Love !!
When you showed love and warm loving , understanding and real geninue feelings , they all responded like magic !
The one therapy that I found most constant was the L

ove therapy , if you can call it that !
Love went beyond all borders and levels of  the humans that I saw and met !
Love works wonders in ways that we cannot understnad !
I will leave you with just this one hope , that Love works !!
I feel this is enough for today .
Till we meet again , take care and yes , Love !
Good night .
PS : I want to leave you with beautiful and peaceful natural scenes ! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Time to Get Real !

Time to Get Real !

I hear from my patients , clients , friends , relatives and people in general about how unhappy or miserable they are living in a relationship that is abusive emotionally or physically !
The usual story goes something like this : I was married for 15 years to this abusive man ! He controlled practically all my life from how I dress to how I even make my hair ! Which friends I can visit , when I can or not visit my family . How or when to have sex and what to eat or cook according to his wishes ! I was so miserable but thought that he may leave me if I do not follow his demands and wishes . I just went on with this tortured life living with this tyrant until finally I told my sad story to a friend . She advised me to see a therapist or counselor . I started seeing the counsellor and became stronger and more confidence to leave this abusive relationship . Now I am angry with God for leaving me in that bad situation . 

This is quite typical to find someone to blame for our faults or misery . Why not blame God who is after all responsible for all of us ! 
We have all done or have experienced some form of regret in our life . There will always be people
who will bully us or abuse us for any reason . It can easily start in the family and than extends to friends and work place . Human nature is complex and often the people who are close or love us also abuse us !
Life is really confusing at times . We get abused and make mistakes . The real issue is that we often go on getting abused for a very long time over and over again until that miserable life becomes our lifestyle ! Now that is really very sad !
We have to get up and Get real !
We always have choices but in times of stress , we are sometimes unable to see those choices .
Our vision becomes narrow and tunnel visioned ! We are unable to see what is going around us . We are only able to focus in the narrow area of our problems . It is a survival character . 
We cannot be enjoying the sights and sounds when we are running away from danger ! 
So , it becomes difficult to make clear decisions . We need to get some help .
At other times we can become strong and empower ourselves to get out of the bad relationship .
Whatever the choice , we have to realise that we cannot go on getting abused by people around .
Whatever our belief systems teach us , we simply have to understand that we are not here to get abused in any form . 
The law if living is really simple . We get closer to people who love us and move away from those who abuse us !
Keep it simple . It does not need some high learning to tell us or show us that life and living is for joy , happiness and peace . That is our basic nature and need .
Always just remember : We have to get up and get real ! Sorry , I had to get some very disturbing photos of abusive relationships ! Even , seeing the photos makes me so upset and angry ! This Has To Stop !!
Will stop now , take care . 
Till we meet again .

How Dis-ease can Become a Disease !

How Dis-ease can Become a Disease !

My fascination with psychology began very early in my college life . I was still in my first year of medical college and was already seeing what is left when we are dead . A physical body is left . The study of anatomy is really interesting in the sense that we study the whole human body in its gross and microscopic structure . 
Physiology gives us the understanding of how our body functions . Blood moves like this and food moves like that . The biochemical actions and reactions are most amazing and mind boggling .
One can spend a life time just studying or trying to understand any of this areas .
I found them wonderful but I seem to be attracted to the brain and what happened within that   
' loaf-like ' organ . I actually was serious about Neurosurgery or even Neurology . But , I soon saw that these wonderful branches were still studying the structural aspect of the human body .
I had my thoughts on the beyond ! The non physical mystery of life and living .
One of the earliest experiences I had was that there is a very close and strong link between the body and the mind . Whatever happens to the body does effect the mind . Again , what happens to the mind does effect the body ! 
It is that simple !
If you or me get some bodily problem , like there is a swelling in some part of the body , we are going to get concerned and even worried or worst panic ! We are mentally shaken and our very peace of mind goes . We can all relate to that .
On the other hand , if we have some anxiety , feel upset or angry with someone , we also notice that we can effect our bodily functions . In that moodiness , we are unable to sleep calmly or even eat our food with the same desire and taste . We can become constipated or have abdominal discomfort .
So , you can see how very closely our body and mind are related . They are like a very close couple or even like the same one system expressing in physical and non physical way.
The magic word that is used is Psychosomatic .
It simple means the same as the body and the mind . The impressive looking word gives weight and looks scientific ! Lay people too get uncomfortable and even frightened .
On my journey , I have come to realise that our feelings and emotions are really very important !
It is the emotions that become our guiding principles to our well being !
How we feel is very essential to our real well being and health .
When I am happy and having fun and enjoying , I am at ease and most probably my body is relaxed and at ease .
On the other hand , if I am tensed or upset or very angry , I am now not at peace or joyful ! I am now at dis-ease .
Whenever , we are feeling moody , miserable , angry , or negative for any reason , we become stressed and tensed and that is how we are dis-eased . Simply means not at ease .
This prolonged state of dis-ease will eventually become a disease in our body !!
Now that is a basic principle of diseases 
Unfortunately , most of the modern medicine is focused on the disease of the body. The treatments are all or mostly about the body . That is the effect ! 
Most of modern medicine is being practiced as ' Effective Medicine '
I am attempting to understand ' Causative Medicine ! '
One system is like going up stream ! Going against the very natural flow of life and living !
How we live , what we feel , what we eat , why we feel like we do and what can we do to feel good and happy again . It is bring harmony again to our lives . That is my idea or concept of ' Wholistic Healing . ' 
If we can create a happy lifestyle and always attend to that , than our chances of being healthy are better as compared to just focusing on the body alone .
Of course , I have really over simplified the whole idea or concept . 
However , that is the central concept ! That is the core idea or

reality .
I feel this is enough for today. 
As usual , I will again ask that if you have any comments , please feel free to comment ?
The more we share , the more we care . 
What could be my reason for writing or blogging ? 
Till we meet again , take care .

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Decided To Step Back in Time !

Decided To Step Back in Time !

Today , I have decided to step back in time ! I felt overwhelmed with many issues in the present , so thought that I will take myself to a past far away from today !
I want to just get some rest for my ever active mind . Getting into my ' Imaginative Time Capsule '
I was able to take myself far into a very peaceful past . The time is beyond 10,000 years ! 
That is a very good place to go for a time out ! 
Let me share my experience of being in that 10,000 years ago !

 I walk about in many parts of this beautiful planet and realised how lovely everything is . The mountains with lush forest , rivers flowing with water so clean that I drink from them whenever thirsty . I don't see any Human made pollution ! The Human race is wandering about in some groups . Some are slowly settling down by riversides to start cultivating nature for the first time ! Agriculture has just started.
What I enjoyed most was that I found everything so simple and natural ! People live simple lives where the basics of living was all that most people thought off ! They were thinking of building better dwellings for themselves . They planned to look for food by way of hunting , or searching for fruits .
Everything was just so natural .
There were no countries , nations , religions , political issues , weapons of mass destruction , climate , carbon , polluted skies , rivers or oceans . No whales were being killed . No guns !
As I walked about seeing all the clean , simple and natural beauty , I would often sit by quiet lakes , riversides and ponder .
I was pleasantly surprised to see that religion was not a major issue at all . Yes, they had their beliefs but simple and natural . 
There was no major religions that we know today ! No religious wars ! I did not see any Christians , Muslims , Hindus or Buddhist ! I asked around if they saw any such people and they looked at me wondering what was I talking about ?!! 
Was there a God ?!! 
Yes ! Which God ? 
The God that always was , that is and that will be !! Same One Eternal , Timeless , Space less , Formless and present in All Forms ! 
What about countries ? Never heard of them too ! Just vast lands to move about . No immigrations , customs , borders , police , whatever ! 
I moved as free as the birds flew . As free as the animals moved . As free as the rivers flowed .
No politics , no mass media , no news , no TV , no soap operas .
I really had a very good time to reflect , ponder and think , that how important are the issues that we have in our present world really worth dying for ?!! 
I have found my peace ! I have accepted the One , Formless and in All Forms Creative Being !
What do you want to do ? 
You have to decide and make your choice !
Will leave you to wonder , ponder or just have a great day .
I am back from the past and feeling fresh and peaceful .
Will take my leave . 
Till we meet again . Take care .