Monday, August 4, 2014

Some Reflections on Life and Living !

Some Reflections on Life and Living !

It had been raining for most part of the night . 
Every now and then the loud thunder kept announcing that it is going to unload the water from those dark clouds that were full of water !
The lightening , light , thunder and the rain all has it's own language !
I enjoy the pat , pat on the roof as the rain come down .
The sound of the rain , the cool room and my warm bed is just the right composition for a wonderful sleep !
Sometimes the rain is so heavy that I keep wondering how the clouds can store so much of water !
When I let curiosity and wonder walk me through things , I am always amazed by everything !
When we stop wondering or getting fascinated with everything around , then we have become robots and moving in life in auto mode !
The child in us is what gives joy and colour to life .
The adult in me is good as a functional part.
There is a parent or social principal that keeps reminding me what is right or appropriate in my living .

Life is wonderful when we can understand and realise that we are all of the above and much more !
We play many roles in our life time .
All are fun and can be funny too when you are aware of your true nature .
In life we are so focused in all sorts of identities , roles , forms , ideas , beliefs and concepts that they have totally become our reality . We simply cannot see beyond that .
Yet , we all can see that all the above are ever changing entities that are temporary and will not last too long .
If we are able to sit back and think , we become aware that there is something within us that is not changing !
This changeless aspect that is within us is always aware of all that is going on in our form .
It is witness to all yet prefers to remain in the background .
Life and living becomes fascinating and a real challenging adventure to explore who or what we really are !
It is so much easier to go outwards in the world . go fishing , climb mountains , swimming , rock climbing or driving fast cars , making all the money or even enjoying relationships .
They are constantly changing and will not last .
There is the inner Self that is waiting to be explored !
The inner world is a Universe in it Self .

Invest in Yourself .

What I mean by that statement is that I like to keep some time for myself .
Just sitting quietly . Going for walks .
Time to reflect . Read and think . Wonder and ponder .
Watch people . Like to see what they are doing .
Sitting still . Exercises , Rest .
Basically just to have time for myself .
If I don't take time for myself , what a strange thing that I am busy wanting to know people and other things and yet have so little information about my own thinking or feeling . I don't know myself but am busy wanting to know everything else !
I want to know why I think or feel like I do .
So , I really feel that I need to invest space and time for my inner self .
The more I do this , the more I feel and understand human nature better .
I have come to realise that most humans are trapped  in their minds .
They are victims of their own beliefs , concepts , ideas and thoughts !
Without being aware they are going to keep living their whole life in that drama !
Addicted to silly and destructive habits that is going to destroy them !
I see this daily in every form .
From Geo political to petty and trivial  issues that are destroying most humans .
Very sad and indeed soul crunching !
This will do for now .
Take care. Love.

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