Sunday, July 13, 2014

Words Create their Own Reality !

Words Create their Own Reality !

Some 35 years ago , 2 wonderful people created a wonderful program or way of seeing our reality !
It is called Neuro-Linguistic Program or commonly called NLP !
They discovered or realised that our language , words we use has a way to effect our perception or view of life ! 
Language and words are very powerful tools that can effect our feelings and thinking .
We humans are the only species on this planet that live by our conscious and thinking  faculty .
Concept , ideas and words all have an image  !
We use words but immediately an image  is formed in our mind !
Now that image is how we perceive  our reality !
We associate a word with an image  and that is how we create and perceive  our reality !
That image that we have or use has a history from our life experience and memory .
Let me explain : A simple word fire  is  just that . Fire ! But there is where the reality and truth ends or begins . Fire brings an immediate  image of fire but each image of every individual is unique .
Fire for one individual was when he nearly died from a burning house and so it always bring that frightening  image for him . Fire for another is an image when her life was saved on a cold winter night lost in the wild ! She was able to make a fire and keep warm till the morning when she was rescued ! Fire for her is always a wonderful friendly entity ! Both this person will always have images of fire  associated  with their experiences ! Their reaction and reality for the word  fire is hence formed by those images in their life .
Can you see or understand  how a word is associated with an imagine ?
Of course , I am giving a very simplistic example .
Now if you  were to take a very abstract concept such as  God and make or create an image on that concept , and you will see the way each of us see or understand that concept so very differently !!
Each human has a very unique impression or image of  this very abstract  concept  and that will become their reality !!
Now let us see two or more  people trying or attempting to share or convince or even quarrel about God based on their image , experience and word ! All so different and loaded with emotions and feelings !
Now , can you see how complex language , words , ideas and concepts can become ?!!
That is how we humans have such a  complex situation with our reality and truth !!
Every word we  use or hear is always loaded or has an image  associated with it !
So , language and our brain  or mind all are working towards giving or creating our reality or truth .
All our realities or truth are going to differ !
That is the complex nature of our life and living as humans !!
We share , care , and use words with such a vast  and unique way and expect to understand or see the reality or truth as one common thing !!
I hope you can understand the complexity  of words and reality !!

I will stop here and let you think .
Take care . Love .

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