Friday, December 18, 2015

Just Living and Being Mindful .

                               Just Living and Being Mindful .

It is still dark in my bedroom . I am awake . I switch on the light by the side of my bed . I keep lying .
I open my eyes and watch . I am aware of the familiar objects in my bedroom . I watch my hand that is lying on the pillow . I move my fingers . I keep moving my eyes around watching the objects . 

Now I am wondering who or what is watching ! Then I also wonder that I am lying in the same bedroom and yet I am awakening to a whole new time and space !
A part of me feels that everything is the same and yet a part of me is feeling that nothing is the same !
I keep lying still and wondering . Just being aware of being aware or present has a strange effect on me .
It may appear that the things or objects are the same and even my body appears the same , yet something is not the same .
I become aware of being present in an ever changing time !
What does it mean ?
I get up or see my body getting up . Who is seeing the body ?
Who is this ' I ' ?
Going to the mirror , I keep looking at my face and body . I keep watching my eyes .
I am still wondering who or what is looking or watching !
A part says that it is me who is called Amar and with that identity comes a known entity that I know .
On the other hand , there is something new and unknown that is just being in the present now . 
It is fully able to experience but without any identity or labels . 
It is seeing everything there is to see and yet a feeling of change is happening constantly .
It feels like everything around is flowing !
Life appears to flow constantly .
I have been watching or witnessing this experience constantly .
I am able to live and function in my daily activities by just switching to my identity as Amar and all 
is okay .
Then I become aware of my beingness and that is very fresh , peaceful and feels contended .
I am just sharing with humbleness . 
Enjoy life fully .
Take care. Love . Namaste. Amar.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience .

Spiritual Being having a Human Experience .

As my eyes opened , I looked around my bedroom . Everything was known to me, yet , something very wonderful and utterly unbelievable was happening . I was so aware of being in the moment .
The presence of being in that moment that we normally call now was just amazing.
Here I was in the very essence of being in the now !
We all are all in the same situation very moment yet for a very strange reason we are going on living in the identity of the form that is mostly expressing the past thought process onto a future that is all in our thoughts !
We are actually living life in our thoughts and feelings that are expressed or generated by our thinking.
From these thoughts we create beliefs and conditions that becomes our reality and truth.
Then we live our life according to those conditions and beliefs.
So , what we call living is a program set by our thought forms . We identify with these forms and that is who or what we become .
Then for the rest of our life we go on living on those terms and call that a great wonderful life .
A life of 70 to 80 years repeating the same things again and again . Up in the morning , brush teeth , shower and run off to office , eat , sleep , have children , get old and then die one day .
We celebrate this merry go round and feel we are living . This is the great drama of illusion . 
Anyway , coming to my morning , I just became aware that I am an energy that is formless and conscious that is merely extending and expressing through this physical form that is ever changing to slowly crumple away .
Why is it important that I know or understand this ?
Further , why is it important that I share this with you ?
What is my gain or motive in telling you all this ?
Because you , me and all are the same energy . 
There is that one feeling of being that is all .
There is nothing you or for that matter anyone can give me !
The form being limited has needs and wants .
It is time bound.
Me as energy being is formless and beyond time !
It all sounds crazy now as you read this .
When you experience this reality , you will then come to realise what all realised beings were talking about .
I will end now as my main point has been shared . 
If you accept my story as real or true , then what are you going to do about it ?
Otherwise is just another crazy person's

weird blog .
Take care. Love.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

What does number one mean in our life ?

What does number one mean in our life ?

Being number one in our life means so much . 
The honour , respect , value and position has taken a whole meaning in life .
Being the first born . The first in any game of life .  The first person to climb this or that .
The seeds of competition are sown so early in our culture and civilisation .
The seeds of separation , of resentment , jealousy , anger and hatred all start with a very small seed .
As that seed starts to grow  the  plant is not going to bring any lasting joy or peace .
There will always be that feelings of not being number one .
I first born child is held in a special position and honour .
He becomes the heir to the kingdom !
Now , can we see what we have done to the very nature of oneness and unity ?
The number one label is the sad position that divides and creates so much of negativity .
We have actually glorified separation and completion and wonder why we are so divided and miserable in life .
The whole culture around number one is very strange and weird !
Number one means that we are still following a law of the jungle .
The strongest will have the lions's share . The strongest is the leader . The strongest will father the most off springs . 
It seems good and natural .
That is the way of the jungle !
Are we jungle people still ?
what about our culture of love , caring and sharing ?
That law of the jungle had it's function , but in the wild or jungle .
As a social being , we have brought more pain and suffering upon us .
We all talk of unity being strong yet we are doing the very opposite !
The very roots of the capital system is one of completion and winner gets all .
Then we wonder why we have all this fights and chaos .
If we have a packing order ,we will always have this state of affairs .
So , stop expecting love and peace in this chaotic system .
We are responsible for our state of affairs . 
Either we live it or change it !
We simply cannot have both !
Enjoy life .
Take care.

Synchronicity , Coincidence and Unus Mundus .

Synchronicity , Coincidence and Unus Mundus .

We all can quite easily relate to coincidence in our life . We have such experiences and call it a chance occurrence . 
In the law of probability , the chance occurrence appears strange and dismissed as one of those things in life where we cannot have a simple explanation .
Coincidence is very unsettling to our simple , ordinary living .
Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that happen meaningful without a simple cause.
Carl Jung , a Swiss Psychologist, described such events happening as coincidence with meaning and called it Synchronicity in 1920 .
He kept thinking and working on his idea and in 1951 , he gave a lecture with Wolfgang Pauli , a Nobel laureate physicist . This deep relationship of happenings that were meaningful had Jung discussing these thoughts with Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli . Jung believed that there was a relationship between  Relative theory , Quantum mechanics and our state of consciousness .
Jung believed that life is not a series of random events but rather an expression of a deeper order which he and Pauli referred to as ' Unus Mundus ' .
It appears that there is a real deeper Oneness of all nature and that to is the experience of spiritual awakening !
Mystics from all traditions and ages all shared a feeling of being connected in Oneness to all .
I have my own personal experiences which I will share on some other occasion .

Infact , in my blogs I have shared several of such coincidences in my life .
This will do for the time being.
Explore your own life experiences and see if you too have experienced such synchronicity ?
Take care .

Friday, December 12, 2014

Identity becomes Your Reality !

Identity becomes Your Reality !

Have you ever wondered how identity actually becomes your reality ?!
When you identify with something you become that !
That something can be physical or even non physical !
Usually it is non physical in nature !
If you just think slowly and understand what is identity , you will start to see my point !
Identity is how you can see , feel or accept yourself as whatever you think you are .
I am a man . I am a doctor . I am a father . I am a Hindu . I am an Asian .
All the above labels or statements are my different identities !
We have many identities , some very strong and some not so !
When one is identified with a role , a skill or a position , it becomes all consuming .
All ones mental , psychic , physical  or any other form of energy is focused and fully in that identified form .
One feels , thinks and behaviour in that from .
If one is fully satisfied and is enjoying  ones identity , then that is the reality !
Nothing right or wrong in that . That is the way of life and living .
Now to go into an example to make a point in my identity issue .
Let me  give one example and show you what I am attempting to express .
Take the story of The Buddha .
He was a prince . A royal lifestyle  . All comforts and luxurious that one can have in the physical form .  As a human what more do one need to enjoy !
In such a full on and powerful identity  one should be completely enjoying  one's identity and role !
Yet , here he was not fully in his form or identity !
Always wondering , thinking and pondering what his life or identity means in the bigger scheme of things !
It shows that he was not living fully in his identity !
He had many doubts and questions about his life and role !
That made all the difference to his life .
He never felt one with his identity !
His reality was being questioned  by him and that lead to the legend of The Buddha !
Is identity  one's reality !
If you are happy and contented , then you will live in that reality !
If , you have doubts , then there is always a possibility for change or more to that reality .
Just take some time and ponder , what is reality or real ?
Is there one reality for all humans ?
Such questions are useful to awaken us from a belief system or conditions that we were programmed from birth.
If you are happy being whoever you are , then it is good and live your good life .
If you are always wondering and reflecting as to what is going on in your life , then you are going to enjoy the adventures of seeking your real nature .
Those who are sleeping and living a dream life , it is good.
Others who are slowly awakening , they are the ones wondering what is all this life about and do most feel a deeper sense of being empty or alone .
What if your reality or identity is beyond all forms ?
You are that is , was and will be . In other words you are a timeless being that is just pure awareness .
Is there such a possiblity ?
If one can have such a concept , then can that be a reality ?
Just take time to think , feel and reflect ?
Enjoy this wonderful life and living .
Take care. Love.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The News Media and The Real Everyday Life !

 The News Media and The Real Everyday Life ! 

I just  witnessed an experience where the news  media had one need and reality and the real everyday life had another !
The news  media was practically milking every drop and stretching the incident as much as they could to  prove their rating and coverage .
Well , that is how we are living in today's world .
The ordinary , average people have a very different way to the reality that they are seeing .
The news media with their breaking news items and other extensive coverage creates an interesting story to sell or to tell .
The people hear a news item and they accept it rather calmly and go about their day to day routine .
What can they do ? 
what can you do ?
I first sat glued watching the breaking news and all the non-stop news that just went on and on . 
The news media have a way of just going on with one new clip after another . One new interview after another .
It just gets so overwhelming and tiring that one is left exhausted listening and watching the media .
Thet have endless mini angles to the major event . Details of all sorts , experts are suddenly called from thin air to give their views . So many experts on every issue . Some agreeing and disagreeing to agree !
It is a news media circus !
I final sat and realised that if I don't take control of myself , they are going to pull me into their very strange and virtual world .
I switched off the news media !
Went out for a walk and a meal . 
People were walking about and doing their everyday stuff . They were doing their work as they did always . The shops were open . Customers came and went about doing their shopping .
I went to my usual eatery and had my lunch as usual without any fuss or excitement .
Yes , I did hear one or two people talk very casually and went on with their meals .
Walked back to my clinic and just sat down quietly .
The new media was closed . The people were out doing their everyday activities .
I just sat quietly and slowly drifted into my inner stillness !
Nothing seems to matter any more !
Life just flows on in its own usual pattern .
I got up from my quiet place and had a cup of  coffee . 
Listened to some soft music and wondered . 
Thoughts of this or that came and went .
I was again peaceful and enjoyed my present moment  !
There are so many levels to our experience in life .
After some understanding I come to the realisation that what is going to happen is going to happen .
Either I accept it or resist it .
Acceptance brings some peace and relief .
Resistance only further aggravates my peace of mind .
There is no simple way or answer most of the time .
Every one has their own perspective and will come to their own conclusions !
The news medis will have their perspective . It that the final truth or answer ?
Take care.
Love. Amar.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Who or How do We Judge Anything In Life ?

Who or How We Cannot Judge Anything In Life ?

Judgement seems so natural to us in life .
We so easily  go about throwing our judgement at everything as though we know the whole story or the truth or reality .
In a complex system where there is no beginning or end , how can we judge ?
We all assume that we know and go about passing our opinion , advice or judgement .
What is happening now and what is going to happen in the next moment is not known to anyone .
If we can understand this mystery , we will be so much more peaceful , loving and gentle .
Life will become so much more pleasant !
Life is a hugely complex system where everything in interconnected in so many ways that it is not easy for us to comprehend .
Here is a short stories to illustrate my point :
1. A wise men who was a prime minister in an ancient court always expressed that whatever is happening in life is happening for the better . The king used to get annoyed and irritable.
This went on for some time .
One day the king accidentally cut his finger while sharping his arrow heads . He asked the minister if that was also for the better ? The prime minister replied that it was indeed for the better !
The king got very upset and called his guards to place the prime minister in prison . He , again asked the PM if that was good too ? The PM replied that that too was good.
The next day the king was going for a hunt into the forest. He went with his other friends and soldiers . While deep in the forest , the king got lost. While walking about and searching he was alone as he got separated from the rest of his people . In the same forest , there lived this wild cannibals who were also hunting for someone to eat. They managed to trap and catch the king. They had no idea of his kingly status nor were they bothered. Further , the king looked so juicy and well built. The cannibals were over joyed with their luck. They brought him to their village to cook and eat him .
However , before doing that , their medicine man always inspected the victim to see that it was worthy for their eating. The medicine man inspected the king and found that his finger tip was missing due to the cut he sustained while sharping his arrow heads. Immediately , the medicine man  told his people that the gods will not be happy with their catch as his body is not whole . They realised the king back! He was so relieved and joyed with his good fortune and the missing tip of the little finger.
He saw how he was saved because of that . He found his way to his palace and rushed to meet his wise prime minister . Getting him out of the prison he apologise and asked his PM how did he benefit from this incident ? The wise PM told the king that not for he being imprisoned , he would be eaten today as he was whole ! Then the king realised the wisdom of his wise PM .
This simple story illustrates how every event is interconnected and linked .
There are no isolated events in our life and Universe.
At some level we are all interlinked and connected.
We must understand the Oneness of all things . We are judging from a very limited and narrow perspective . We have no idea of the big picture .
When we can become aware of this reality or truth , we can accept everything happily .
Everything is unfolding for the better!
This vast Infinite Universe is always unfolding and expressing for the better .
Life and the Universe are One ! There is no separation . We have created such a belief and now are struggling in our separatedness .
Let go of the illusion of separation and enjoy the endless blessings of One and All .
Take care. Love . Amar.